Arexx Data Logger Protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All packets have fixed size of 64 bytes. The first byte is a packet type, followed by type-dependent data. Timestamps are 32-bit integers representing the number of seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Request packets (from the PC to the logger) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type 03 Request sensor data The data part is probably unused. type 04 Set clock Data: u32le timestamp Reply packets (from the logger to the PC) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type 00 Report sensor data The data part is a sequence of tuples, each tuple starts with its length. 9-byte tuples: u8 tuple length (0x09) u16le sensor ID u16be! raw value u32le timestamp 10-byte tuples contain one extra byte: u8 signal quality (units unknown) A 0-byte tuple serves as a terminator.