* Minimum Spanning Trees o The Problem o Basic properties o Red/Blue meta-algorithm o Classical algorithms o Contractive algorithms * Fine Details of Computation o Models and machines o Radix-sorting o Bit tricks o Q-Heaps * Advanced MST Algorithms o Minor-closed classes o Fredman-Tarjan algorithm o MST verification o Linear-time verification o A randomized algorithm o Special cases and related problems * Approaching Optimality . Soft heaps . Robust contractions . An optimal algorithm . Decision trees * Ranking Combinatorial Objects o Ranking and unranking o Ranking of permutations o Ranking of k-permutations o Restricted permutations o Hatcheck lady and other derangements . ?? other objects ?? . ?? general perspective ?? * Dynamic MST algorithms . (Semi-)dynamic algorithms . Sleator-Tarjan trees . ET-trees . Fully dynamic connectivity . Semi-dynamic MST . Fully dynamic MST TODO: Spanning trees: - cite Eisner's tutorial \cite{eisner:tutorial} - \cite{pettie:onlineverify} online lower bound - mention matroids - move the remark on disconnected graphs? separate section? - Some algorithms (most notably Fredman-Tarjan) do not need flattening - reference to mixed Boruvka-Jarnik - use the notation for contraction by a set - practical considerations: katriel:cycle, moret:practice (mention pairing heaps) - parallel algorithms: p243-cole (see also remarks in Karger and pettie:minirand), pettie:parallel - bounded expansion classes? - degree-restricted cases and arborescences - Pettie's paper on random bits (pettie:minirand) - random sampling (propp:randommst) - mention bugs in Valeria's verification paper - Pettie's optimal algorithm runs in average linear time Models: - bit tricks: reference to HAKMEM - mention in-place radix-sorting? - consequences of Q-Heaps: Thorup's undirected SSSP etc. - add more context from thorup:aczero, also mention FP operations - expand the section on radix-sorting, mention Buchsbaum - move Q-Heaps to the chapter on the MST's? - Tarjan79 is claimed by Pettie to define Pointer machines Ranking: - the general perspective: is it only a technical trick? - ranking of permutations on general sets, relationship with integer sorting - JN: explain approx scheme - JN: 4.5.1: neslo by preci isolovat nejaky vlstnosti restriction matrices tak aby byl speedup? Staci napr predpokladat 4.5.2 (jako to postulovat) co je to vlstne za matice co splnuji 4.5.2 - JN: bounded-degree restriction graphs; would it imply general speedup? Notation: - G has to be connected, so m=O(n) - impedance mismatch in terminology: contraction of G along e vs. contraction of e. - use \delta(X) notation - unify use of n(G) vs. n - use calligraphic letters from ams? - change the notation for contractions -- use double slash instead of the dot? - introduce \widehat\O early Varia: - cite GA booklet