List of photos (gallery.list) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One photo per line, tab-separated columns: File name (relative to OrigDir in config) Identifier (16 hex digits) Orientation: one of "l", "r", "d", "." Transformation -- sequence of: n normalize contrast s sharpen h equalize histogram Title (UTF-8 string) Lines starting with "#" are ignored. Lines starting with a tab add further attributes to the previous photo. The following attributes are recognized: lat geographic latitude in degrees north of equator lon geographic longitude in degrees east of Greenwich alt geographic altitude in meters t time when the photo was taken (2014-01-25 09:40:12) Importing meta-data from other sources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Occasionally, you want to add photos from a source which already provides some meta-data. In this case, you can construct a gallery.list with a subset of fields, or feed the stdin of "gal scan" with such a list. For convenience, orientation, transformation and title can be also given as named attributes. They are called "orientation", "xf", and "title". Photo meta-data (PhotoDir/gallery.meta or CacheDir/cache.meta) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perl Storable containing a single hash. $meta->{photo}->{$identifier} is a hash of: o orientation xf transformation applied w width after scaling h height after scaling w0, h0 width and height of original image title photo title fmt photo format (png/jpg; defaults to jpg) lat geographic latitude in degrees north of equator lon geographic longitude in degrees east of Greenwich alt geographic altitude in meters t time when the photo was taken (2014-01-25 09:40:12) The rest is present in cache.meta only: $meta->{sequence} is an array of photo IDs as they appear in the gallery. $meta->{thumb}->{$format}->{$identifier} is a hash of: w thumbnail width h thumbnail height