4 The UCW library aims to provide a set general purpose tools for programming
5 in the C language. It contains generic data structures (lists, trees, hash
6 tables etc.), fast memory allocators optimized for various usage patterns,
7 abstract I/O streams and optimized implementations of some common algorithms
8 (e.g., sorting of arrays and files).
10 Please note that this documentation is not yet complete. Many modules are
11 not described, so you might need to look into the source code.
13 You can see the index of <<def_index:,documented definitions>>.
19 - <<fastbuf:,Fastbufs>>
20 - <<basecode:,Base64 and Base224 encoding>>
21 - <<hash:,Hashing routines>>
22 - <<conf:,Configuration and command line parser>>
23 - <<mempool:,Memory pools>>
24 - <<eltpool:,Fixed-sized allocators>>
25 - <<mainloop:,Mainloop>>
26 - <<unaligned:,Unaligned data>>
27 - <<lists:,Link lists>>
28 - <<heap:,Binary heaps>>
29 - <<binheap:,Binomial heaps>>
30 - <<hashtable:,Hash tables>>
31 - <<growbuf:,Growing buffers>>
32 - <<chartype:,Single-byte characters>>
33 - <<unicode:,Multi-byte characters>>
34 - <<prime:,Prime numbers>>
36 - <<binsearch:,Binary search>>
37 - <<compress:,Compression>>
41 - <<configure:,Compile time configuration>>
42 - <<config:,Configuration file syntax>>
43 - <<docsys:,Documentation system>>
44 - <<generic:,Macro-generated generics>>
45 - <<relnotes:,Release notes>>
47 Yet undocumented modules
48 ------------------------
70 - Address manipulation
82 The UCW library is copyrighted by its authors:
84 - Pavel Charvát <mailto:pchar\@ucw.cz[]>
85 - Martin Mareš <mailto:mj\@ucw.cz[]>
86 - Robert Špalek <mailto:robert\@ucw.cz[]>
87 - Michal Vaner <mailto:vorner\@ucw.cz[]>
89 It can be freely distributed and used according to the terms of
90 the GNU Lesser General Public License.