5 \chapter{Fine Details of Computation}
8 \section{Models and machines}
10 Traditionally, computer scientists use a~variety of computational models
11 as a~formalism in which their algorithms are stated. If we were studying
12 NP-complete\-ness, we could safely assume that all the models are equivalent,
13 possibly up to polynomial slowdown which is negligible. In our case, the
14 differences between good and not-so-good algorithms are on a~much smaller
15 scale. In this chapter, we will replace the usual ``tape measure'' by a~micrometer,
16 state our computation models carefully and develop a repertoire of basic
17 data structures taking advantage of the fine details of the models.
19 We would like to keep the formalism close enough to the reality of the contemporary
20 computers. This rules out Turing machines and similar sequentially addressed
21 models, but even the remaining models are subtly different from each other. For example, some of them
22 allow indexing of arrays in constant time, while on the others,
23 arrays have to be emulated with pointer structures, requiring $\Omega(\log n)$
24 time to access a~single element of an~$n$-element array. It is hard to say which
25 way is superior --- while most ``real'' computers have instructions for constant-time
26 indexing, it seems to be physically impossible to fulfil this promise regardless of
27 the size of memory. Indeed, at the level of logical gates inside the computer,
28 the depth of the actual indexing circuits is logarithmic.
30 In recent decades, most researchers in the area of combinatorial algorithms
31 have been considering two computational models: the Random Access Machine and the Pointer
32 Machine. The former is closer to the programmer's view of a~real computer,
33 the latter is slightly more restricted and ``asymptotically safe.''
34 We will follow this practice and study our algorithms in both models.
37 The \df{Random Access Machine (RAM)} is not a~single coherent model, but rather a~family
38 of closely related machines, sharing the following properties.
39 (See Cook and Reckhow \cite{cook:ram} for one of the usual formal definitions
40 and Hagerup \cite{hagerup:wordram} for a~thorough description of the differences
41 between the RAM variants.)
43 The \df{memory} of the machine is represented by an~array of \df{memory cells}
44 addressed by non-negative integers, each of them containing a~single non-negative integer.
45 The \df{program} is a~finite sequence of \df{instructions} of two basic kinds: calculation
46 instructions and control instructions.
48 \df{Calculation instructions} have two source arguments and one destination
49 argument, each \df{argument} being either an~immediate constant (not available
50 as destination), a~directly addressed memory cell (specified by its number)
51 or an~indirectly addressed memory cell (its address is stored in a~directly
52 addressed memory cell).
54 \df{Control instructions} include branches (to a~specific instruction in
55 the program), conditional branches (e.g., jump if two arguments specified as
56 in the calculation instructions are equal) and an~instruction to halt the program.
58 At the beginning of the computation, the memory contains the input data
59 in specified cells and arbitrary values in all other cells.
60 Then the program is executed one instruction at a~time. When it halts,
61 specified memory cells are interpreted as the program's output.
64 In the description of the RAM family, we have omitted several details
65 on~purpose, because different members of the family define them differently.
66 These are: the size of the available integers, the time complexity of a~single
67 instruction, the space complexity assigned to a~single memory cell and the set
68 of operations available in calculation instructions.
70 If we impose no limits on the magnitude of the numbers and we assume that
71 arithmetic and logical operations work on them in constant time, we get
72 a~very powerful parallel computer --- we can emulate an~exponential number
73 of parallel processors using arithmetics and suddenly almost everything can be
74 computed in constant time, modulo encoding and decoding of input and output.
75 Such models are unrealistic and there are two basic possibilities how to
79 \:Keep unbounded numbers, but increase costs of instructions: each instruction
80 consumes time proportional to the number of bits of the numbers it processes,
81 including memory addresses. Similarly, space usage is measured in bits,
82 counting not only the values, but also the addresses of the respective memory
84 \:Place a~limit on the size of the numbers ---define the \df{word size~$W$,}
85 the number of bits available in the memory cells--- and keep the cost of
86 instructions and memory cells constant. The word size must not be constant,
87 since we can address only~$2^W$ cells of memory. If the input of the algorithm
88 is stored in~$N$ cells, we need~$W\ge\log N$ just to be able to read the input.
89 On the other hand, we are interested in polynomial-time algorithms only, so $\Theta(\log N)$-bit
90 numbers should be sufficient. In practice, we pick~$W$ to be the larger of
91 $\Theta(\log N)$ and the size of integers used in the algorithm's input and output.
92 We will call an integer that fits in a~single memory cell a~\df{machine word.}
95 Both restrictions easily avoid the problems of unbounded parallelism. The first
96 choice is theoretically cleaner and Cook et al.~show nice correspondences to the
97 standard complexity classes, but the calculations of time and space complexity tend
98 to be somewhat tedious. What more, when compared with the RAM with restricted
99 word size, the complexities are usually exactly $\Theta(W)$ times higher.
100 This does not hold in general (consider a~program that uses many small numbers
101 and $\O(1)$ large ones), but it is true for the algorithms we are interested in.
102 Therefore we will always assume that the operations have unit cost and we make
103 sure that all numbers are limited by the available word size.
106 As for the choice of RAM operations, the following three instruction sets are often used:
109 \:\df{Word-RAM} --- allows the ``C-language operators'', i.e., addition,
110 subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder, bitwise $\band$, $\bor$, exclusive
111 $\bor$ ($\bxor$) and negation ($\bnot$), and bitwise shifts ($\shl$ and~$\shr$).
112 \:\df{${\rm AC}^0$-RAM} --- allows all operations from the class ${\rm AC}^0$, i.e.,
113 those computable by constant-depth polynomial-size boolean circuits with unlimited
114 fan-in and fan-out. This includes all operations of the Word-RAM except for multiplication,
115 division and remainders, and also many other operations like computing the Hamming
116 weight (number of bits set in a~given number).
117 \:Both restrictions at once.
120 Thorup \cite{thorup:aczero} discusses the usual techniques employed by RAM algorithms
121 and he shows that they work on both Word-RAM and ${\rm AC}^0$-RAM, but the combination
122 of the two restrictions is too weak. On the other hand, the intersection of~${\rm AC}^0$
123 with the instruction set of modern processors is already strong enough (e.g., when we
124 add some floating-point operations and multimedia instructions available on the Intel's
125 Pentium~4~\cite{intel:pentium}).
127 We will therefore use the Word-RAM instruction set, mentioning differences from the
128 ${\rm AC}^0$-RAM where necessary.
131 When speaking of the \df{RAM,} we implicitly mean the version with numbers limited
132 by a~specified word size of $W$~bits, unit cost of operations and memory cells and the instruction
133 set of the Word-RAM. This corresponds to the usage in recent algorithmic literature,
134 although the authors rarely mention the details. In some cases, a~non-uniform variant
135 of the Word-RAM is considered as well (e.g., in~\cite{hagerup:dd}):
137 \defn\id{nonuniform}%
138 A~Word-RAM is called \df{weakly non-uniform,} if it is equipped with $\O(1)$-time
139 access to a~constant number of word-sized constants, which depend only on the word
140 size. These are called \df{native constants} and they are available in fixed memory
141 cells when the program starts. (By analogy with the high-level programming languages,
142 these constants can be thought of as computed at ``compile time.'')
145 The \df{Pointer Machine (PM)} also does not have any well established definition. The
146 various kinds of pointer machines are mapped by Ben-Amram in~\cite{benamram:pm},
147 but unlike the RAM's they turn out to be equivalent up to constant slowdown.
148 Our definition will be closely related to the \em{linking automaton} proposed
149 by Knuth in~\cite{knuth:fundalg}, we will only adapt it to use RAM-like
150 instructions instead of an~opaque control unit.
152 The PM works with two different types of data: \df{symbols} from a~finite alphabet
153 and \df{pointers}. The memory of the machine consists of a~fixed amount of \df{registers}
154 (some of them capable of storing a~single symbol, each of the others holds a~single pointer)
155 and an~arbitrary amount of \df{cells}. The structure of all cells is the same: each of them
156 again contains a~fixed number of fields for symbols and pointers. Registers can be addressed
157 directly, the cells only via pointers --- by using a~pointer stored either in a~register,
158 or in a~cell pointed to by a~register (longer chains of pointers cannot be followed in
161 We can therefore view the whole memory as a~directed graph, whose vertices
162 correspond to the cells (the registers are stored in a~single special cell).
163 The outgoing edges of each vertex correspond to pointer fields of the cells and they are
164 labeled with distinct labels drawn from a~finite set. In addition to that,
165 each vertex contains a~fixed amount of symbols. The program can directly access
166 vertices within distance~2 from the register vertex.
168 The program is a~finite sequence of instructions of the following kinds:
171 \:\df{symbol instructions,} which read a~pair of symbols, apply an~arbitrary
172 function on them and write the result to a~symbol register or field;
173 \:\df{pointer instructions} for assignment of pointers to pointer registers/fields
174 and for creation of new memory cells (a~pointer to the new cell is assigned
176 \:\df{control instructions} --- similarly to the RAM; conditional jumps can decide
177 on~arbitrary unary relations on symbols and compare pointers for equality.
180 Time and space complexity are defined in the straightforward way: all instructions
181 have unit cost and so do all memory cells.
183 Both input and output of the machine are passed in the form of a~linked structure
184 pointed to by a~designated register. For example, we can pass graphs back and forth
185 without having to encode them as strings of numbers or symbols. This is important,
186 because with the finite alphabet of the~PM, symbolic representations of graphs
187 generally require super-linear space and therefore also time.\foot{%
188 The usual representation of edges as pairs of vertex labels uses $\Theta(m\log n)$ bits
189 and as a~simple counting argument shows, this is asymptotically optimal for general
190 sparse graphs. On the other hand, specific families of sparse graphs can be stored
191 more efficiently, e.g., by a~remarkable result of Tur\'an~\cite{turan:succinct},
192 planar graphs can be encoded in~$\O(n)$ bits. Encoding of dense graphs is of
193 course trivial as the adjacency matrix has only~$\Theta(n^2)$ bits.}
196 Compared to the RAM, the PM lacks two important capabilities: indexing of arrays
197 and arithmetic instructions. We can emulate both with poly-logarithmic slowdown,
198 but it will turn out that they are rarely needed in graph algorithms. We are
199 also going to prove that the RAM is strictly stronger, so we will prefer to
200 formulate our algorithms in the PM model and use RAM only when necessary.
203 Every program for the Word-RAM with word size~$W$ can be translated to a~PM program
204 computing the same with $\O(W^2)$ slowdown (given a~suitable encoding of inputs and
205 outputs, of course). If the RAM program does not use multiplication, division
206 and remainder operations, $\O(W)$~slowdown is sufficient.
209 Represent the memory of the RAM by a~balanced binary search tree or by a~radix
210 trie of depth~$\O(W)$. Values are encoded as~linked lists of symbols pointed
211 to by the nodes of the tree. Both direct and indirect accesses to the memory
212 can therefore be done in~$\O(W)$ time. Use standard algorithms for arithmetic
213 on big numbers: $\O(W)$ per operation except for multiplication, division and
214 remainders which take $\O(W^2)$.\foot{We could use more efficient arithmetic
215 algorithms, but the quadratic bound is good enough for our purposes.}
219 Every program for the PM running in polynomial time can be translated to a~program
220 computing the same on the Word-RAM with only $\O(1)$ slowdown.
223 Encode each cell of the PM's memory to $\O(1)$ integers. Store the encoded cells to
224 the memory of the RAM sequentially and use memory addresses as pointers. As the symbols
225 are finite and there is only a~polynomial number of cells allocated during execution
226 of the program, $\O(\log N)$-bit integers suffice ($N$~is the size of the program's input).
230 There are also \df{randomized} versions of both machines. These are equipped
231 with an~additional instruction for generating a~single random bit. The standard
232 techniques of design and analysis of randomized algorithms apply (see for
233 example Motwani and Raghavan~\cite{motwani:randalg}).
236 There is one more interesting machine: the \df{Immutable Pointer Machine} (see
237 the description of LISP machines in \cite{benamram:pm}). It differs from the
238 ordinary PM by the inability to modify existing memory cells. Only the contents
239 of the registers are allowed to change. All cell modifications thus have to
240 be performed by creating a~copy of the particular cell with some fields changed.
241 This in turn requires the pointers to the cell to be updated, possibly triggering
242 a~cascade of further cell copies. For example, when a~node of a~binary search tree is
243 updated, all nodes on the path from that node to the root have to be copied.
245 One of the advantages of this model is that the states of the machine are
246 persistent --- it is possible to return to a~previously visited state by recalling
247 the $\O(1)$ values of the registers (everything else could not have changed
248 since that time) and ``fork'' the computations. This corresponds to the semantics
249 of pure functional languages, e.g., Haskell~\cite{jones:haskell}.
251 Unless we are willing to accept a~logarithmic penalty in execution time and space
252 (in fact, our emulation of the Word-RAM on the PM can be easily made immutable),
253 the design of efficient algorithms for the immutable PM requires very different
254 techniques. Therefore, we will concentrate on the imperative models instead
255 and refer the interested reader to the thorough treatment of purely functional
256 data structures in the Okasaki's monograph~\cite{okasaki:funcds}.
258 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 \section{Bucket sorting and unification}\id{bucketsort}%
262 The Contractive Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm (\ref{contbor}) needs to contract a~given
263 set of edges in the current graph and then flatten the graph, all this in time $\O(m)$.
264 We have spared the technical details for this section, in which we are going to
265 explain several rather general techniques based on bucket sorting.
267 As we have already suggested in the proof of Lemma \ref{contbor}, contractions
268 can be performed in linear time by building an~auxiliary graph and finding its
269 connected components. We will thus take care only of the subsequent flattening.
271 \paran{Flattening on RAM}%
272 On the RAM, we can view the edges as ordered pairs of vertex identifiers with the
273 smaller of the identifiers placed first and sort them lexicographically. This brings
274 parallel edges together, so that a~simple linear scan suffices to find each bunch
275 of parallel edges and remove all but the lightest one.
276 Lexicographic sorting of pairs can be accomplished in linear time by a~two-pass
277 bucket sort with $n$~buckets corresponding to the vertex identifiers.
279 However, there is a~catch in this. Suppose that we use the standard representation
280 of graphs by adjacency lists whose heads are stored in an array indexed by vertex
281 identifiers. When we contract and flatten the graph, the number of vertices decreases,
282 but if we inherit the original vertex identifiers, the arrays will still have the
283 same size. We could then waste a~super-linear amount of time by scanning the increasingly
284 sparse arrays, most of the time skipping unused entries.
286 To avoid this problem, we have to renumber the vertices after each contraction to component
287 identifiers from the auxiliary graph and create a~new vertex array. This helps
288 keep the size of the representation of the graph linear with respect to its current
291 \paran{Flattening on PM}%
292 The pointer representation of graphs does not suffer from sparsity since the vertices
293 are always identified by pointers to per-vertex structures. Each such structure
294 then contains all attributes associated with the vertex, including the head of its
295 adjacency list. However, we have to find a~way how to perform bucket sorting
296 without indexing of arrays.
298 We will keep a~list of the per-vertex structures that defines the order of~vertices.
299 Each such structure will be endowed with a~pointer to the head of the list of items in
300 the corresponding bucket. Inserting an~edge to a~bucket can be then done in constant time
301 and scanning the contents of all~$n$ buckets takes $\O(n+m)$ time.
303 At last, we must not forget that while it was easy to \df{normalize} the pairs on the RAM
304 by putting the smaller identifier first, this fails on the PM because we can directly
305 compare the identifiers only for equality. We can work around this again by bucket-sorting:
306 we sort the multiset $\{ (x,i) \mid \hbox{$x$~occurs in the $i$-th pair} \}$ on~$x$.
307 Then we reset all pairs and re-insert the values back in their increasing order.
308 This is also $\O(n+m)$.
310 \paran{Tree isomorphism}%
311 Another nice example of pointer-based radix sorting is a~Pointer Machine algorithm for
312 deciding whether two rooted trees are isomorphic. Let us assume for a~moment that
313 the outdegree of each vertex is at most a~fixed constant~$k$. We begin by sorting the subtrees
314 of both trees by their depth. This can be accomplished by running depth-first search to calculate
315 the depths and bucket-sorting them with $n$~buckets afterwards.
317 Then we proceed from depth~0 to the maximum depth and for each of them we identify
318 the isomorphism equivalence classes of subtrees of that particular depth. We will assign
319 unique identifiers all such classes; at most~$n+1$ of them are needed as there are
320 $n+1$~subtrees in the tree (including the empty subtree). As the PM does not
321 have numbers as a~first-class type, we create a~``\df{yardstick}'' ---a~list
322 of $n+1$~distinct items--- and we use pointers to these ``ticks'' as identifiers.
323 When we are done, isomorphism of the whole trees can be decided by comparing the
324 identifiers assigned to their roots.
326 Suppose that classes of depths $0,\ldots,d-1$ are already computed and we want
327 to identify those of depth~$d$. We will denote their count of~$n_d$. We take
328 a~root of every such tree and label it with an~ordered $k$-tuple of identifiers
329 of its subtrees; when it has less than $k$ sons, we pad the tuple with empty
330 subtrees. Tuples corresponding to isomorphic subtrees are identical up to
331 reordering of elements. We therefore sort the codes inside each tuple and then
332 sort the tuples, which brings the equivalent tuples together.
334 The first sort (inside the tuples) would be easy on the RAM, but on the PM we
335 have to use the normalization trick mentioned above. The second sort is
336 a~straightforward $k$-pass bucket sort.
338 If we are not careful, a~single sorting pass takes $\O(n_d + n)$ time, because
339 while we have only $n_d$~items to sort, we have to scan all $n$~buckets. This can
340 be easily avoided if we realize that the order of buckets does not need to be
341 fixed --- in every pass, we can use a~completely different order and it still
342 does bring the equivalent tuples together. Thus we can keep a~list of buckets
343 which are used in the current pass and look only inside these buckets. This way,
344 we reduce the time spent in a~single pass to $\O(n_d)$ and the whole algorithm
345 takes $\O(\sum_d n_d) = \O(n)$.
347 Our algorithm can be easily modified for trees with unrestricted degrees.
348 We replace the fixed $d$-tuples by general sequences of identifiers. The first
349 sort does not need any changes. In the second sort, we proceed from the first
350 position to the last one and after each bucket-sorting pass we put aside the sequences
351 that have just ended. They are obviously not equivalent to any other sequences.
352 The second sort is linear in the sum of the lengths of the sequences, which is
353 $n_{d+1}$ for depth~$d$. We can therefore decide isomorphism of the whole trees
354 in time $\O(\sum_d (n_d + n_{d+1})) = \O(n)$.
356 The unification of sequences by bucket sorting will be useful in many
357 other situations, so we will state it as a~separate lemma:
359 \lemman{Sequence unification}\id{suniflemma}%
360 Partitioning of a~collection of sequences $S_1,\ldots,S_n$, whose elements are
361 arbitrary pointers and symbols from a~finite alphabet, to equality classes can
362 be performed on the Pointer Machine in time $\O(n + \sum_i \vert S_i \vert)$.
365 The first linear-time algorithm that partitions all subtrees to isomorphism equivalence
366 classes is probably due to Zemlayachenko \cite{zemlay:treeiso}, but it lacks many
367 details. Dinitz et al.~\cite{dinitz:treeiso} have recast this algorithm in modern
368 terminology and filled the gaps. Our algorithm is easier to formulate than those,
369 because it replaces the need for auxiliary data structures by more elaborate bucket
372 \paran{Topological graph computations}%
373 Many graph algorithms are based on the idea of so called \df{micro/macro decomposition:}
374 We decompose a~graph to subgraphs on roughly~$k$ vertices and solve the problem
375 separately inside these ``micrographs'' and in the ``macrograph'' obtained by
376 contraction of the micrographs. If $k$~is small enough, many of the micrographs
377 are isomorphic, so we can compute the result only once for each isomorphism class
378 and recycle it for all micrographs in that class. On the other hand, the macrograph
379 is roughly $k$~times smaller than the original graph, so we can use a~less efficient
380 algorithm and it will still run in linear time with respect to the size of the original
383 This kind of decomposition is traditionally used for trees, especially in the
384 algorithms for the Lowest Common Ancestor problem (cf.~Section \ref{verifysect}
385 and the survey paper \cite{alstrup:nca}) and for online maintenance of marked ancestors
386 (cf.~Alstrup et al.~\cite{alstrup:marked}). Let us take a~glimpse at what happens when
387 we decompose a~tree with $k$ set to~$1/4\cdot\log n$. There are at most $2^{2k} = \sqrt n$ non-isomorphic subtrees of size~$k$,
388 because each isomorphism class is uniquely determined by the sequence of $2k$~up/down steps
389 performed by depth-first search. Suppose that we are able to decompose the input and identify
390 the equivalence classes of microtrees in linear time, then solve the problem in time $\O(\poly(k))$ for
391 each microtree and finally in $\O(n'\log n')$ for the macrotree of size $n'=n/k$. When we put these pieces
392 together, we get an~algorithm for the whole problem which achieves time complexity $\O(n
393 + \sqrt{n}\cdot\poly(\log n) + n/\log n\cdot\log(n/\log n)) = \O(n)$.
395 Decompositions are usually implemented on the RAM, because subgraphs can be easily
396 encoded in numbers, which can be then used to index arrays containing the precomputed
397 results. As the previous algorithm for subtree isomorphism shows, indexing is not strictly
398 required for identifying equivalent microtrees and it can be replaced by bucket
399 sorting on the Pointer Machine. Buchsbaum et al.~\cite{buchsbaum:verify} have extended
400 this technique to general graphs in form of so called topological graph computations.
404 A~\df{graph computation} is a~function that takes a~\df{labeled undirected graph} as its input. The labels of its
405 vertices and edges can be arbitrary symbols drawn from a~finite alphabet. The output
406 of the computation is another labeling of the same graph. This time, the vertices and
407 edges can be labeled with not only symbols of the alphabet, but also with pointers to the vertices
408 and edges of the input graph, and possibly also with pointers to outside objects.
409 A~graph computation is called \df{topological} if it produces isomorphic
410 outputs for isomorphic inputs. The isomorphism of course has to preserve not only
411 the structure of the graph, but also the labels in the obvious way.
414 The topological graph computations cover a~great variety of graph problems, ranging
415 from searching for matchings or Eulerian tours to finding Hamilton circuits.
416 The MST problem itself however does not belong to this class, because we do not have any means
417 of representing the edge weights as labels, unless of course there is only a~fixed amount
420 As in the case of tree decompositions, we would like to identify the equivalent subgraphs
421 and process only a~single instance from each equivalence class. The obstacle is that
422 graph isomorphism is known to be computationally hard (it is one of the few
423 problems that are neither known to lie in~$\rm P$ nor to be $\rm NP$-complete;
424 see Arvind and Kurur \cite{arvind:isomorph} for recent results on its complexity).
425 We will therefore manage with a~weaker form of equivalence, based on some sort
429 A~\df{canonical encoding} of a~given labeled graph represented by adjacency lists
430 is obtained by running the depth-first search on the graph and recording its traces.
431 We start with an~empty encoding. When we enter
432 a~vertex, we assign an~identifier to it (again using a~yardstick to represent numbers)
433 and we append the label of this vertex to the encoding. Then we scan all back edges
434 going from this vertex and append the identifiers of their destinations, accompanied
435 by the edges' labels. Finally we append a~special terminator to mark the boundary
436 between the code of this vertex and its successor.
439 The canonical encoding is well defined in the sense that non-iso\-morphic graphs always
440 receive different encodings. Obviously, encodings of isomorphic graphs can differ,
441 depending on the order of vertices and also of the adjacency lists. A~graph
442 on~$n$ vertices with $m$~edges is assigned an~encoding of length at most $2n+2m$ ---
443 for each vertex, we record its label and a~single terminator; edges contribute
444 by identifiers and labels. These encodings can be constructed in linear time and
445 in the same time we can also create a~graph corresponding to any encoding.
446 We will use the encodings for our unification of graphs:
449 For a~collection~$\C$ of graphs, we define $\vert\C\vert$ as the number of graphs in
450 the collection and $\Vert\C\Vert$ as their total size, i.e., $\Vert\C\Vert = \sum_{G\in\C} n(G) + m(G)$.
452 \lemman{Graph unification}\id{guniflemma}%
453 A~collection~$\C$ of labeled graphs can be partitioned into classes which share the same
454 canonical encoding in time $\O(\Vert\C\Vert)$ on the Pointer Machine.
457 Construct canonical encodings of all the graphs and then apply the Sequence unification lemma
458 (\ref{suniflemma}) on them.
462 When we want to perform a~topological computation on a~collection~$\C$ of graphs
463 with $k$~vertices, we first precompute its result for a~collection~$\cal G$ of \df{generic graphs}
464 corresponding to all possible canonical encodings on $k$~vertices. Then we use unification to match
465 the \df{actual graphs} in~$\C$ to the generic graphs in~$\cal G$. This gives us the following
468 \thmn{Topological computations, Buchsbaum et al.~\cite{buchsbaum:verify}}\id{topothm}%
469 Suppose that we have a~topological graph computation~$\cal T$ that can be performed in time
470 $T(k)$ for graphs on $k$~vertices. Then we can run~$\cal T$ on a~collection~$\C$
471 of labeled graphs on~$k$ vertices in time $\O(\Vert\C\Vert + (k+s)^{k(k+2)}\cdot (T(k)+k^2))$,
472 where~$s$ is a~constant depending only on the number of symbols used as vertex/edge labels.
475 A~graph on~$k$ vertices has less than~$k^2/2$ edges, so the canonical encodings of
476 all such graphs are shorter than $2k + 2k^2/2 = k(k+2)$. Each element of the encoding
477 is either a~vertex identifier, or a~symbol, or a~separator, so it can attain at most $k+s$
478 possible values for some fixed~$s$.
479 We can therefore enumerate all possible encodings and convert them to a~collection $\cal G$
480 of all generic graphs such that $\vert{\cal G}\vert \le (k+s)^{k(k+2)}$ and $\Vert{\cal G}\Vert
481 \le \vert{\cal G}\vert \cdot k^2$.
483 We run the computation on all generic graphs in time $\O(\vert{\cal G}\vert \cdot T(k))$
484 and then we use the Unification lemma (\ref{guniflemma}) on the union of the collections
485 $\C$ and~$\cal G$ to match the generic graphs with the equivalent actual graphs in~$\C$
486 in time $\O(\Vert\C\Vert + \Vert{\cal G}\Vert)$.
487 Finally we create a~copy of the generic result for each of the actual graphs.
488 If the computation uses pointers to the input vertices in its output, we have to
489 redirect them to the actual input vertices, which we can do by associating
490 the output vertices that refer to an~input vertex with the corresponding places
491 in the encoding of the input graph. This way, the whole output can be generated in time
492 $\O(\Vert\C\Vert + \Vert{\cal G}\Vert)$.
496 The topological computations and the Graph unification lemma will play important
497 roles in Sections \ref{verifysect} and \ref{optalgsect}.
499 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 \section{Data structures on the RAM}
504 There is a~lot of data structures designed specifically for the RAM. These structures
505 take advantage of both indexing and arithmetics and they often surpass the known
506 lower bounds for the same problem on the~PM. In many cases, they achieve constant time
507 per operation, at least when either the magnitude of the values or the size of
508 the data structure are suitably bounded.
510 A~classical result of this type are the trees of van Emde Boas~\cite{boas:vebt}
511 which represent a~subset of the integers $\{0,\ldots,U-1\}$. They allow insertion,
512 deletion and order operations (minimum, maximum, successor etc.) in time $\O(\log\log U)$,
513 regardless of the size of the subset. If we replace the heap used in the Jarn\'\i{}k's
514 algorithm (\ref{jarnik}) by this structure, we immediately get an~algorithm
515 for finding the MST in integer-weighted graphs in time $\O(m\log\log w_{max})$,
516 where $w_{max}$ is the maximum weight.
518 A~real breakthrough has been however made by Fredman and Willard who introduced
519 the Fusion trees~\cite{fw:fusion}. They again perform membership and predecessor
520 operation on a~set of $n$~integers, but with time complexity $\O(\log_W n)$
521 per operation on a~Word-RAM with $W$-bit words. This of course assumes that
522 each element of the set fits in a~single word. As $W$ must at least~$\log n$,
523 the operations take $\O(\log n/\log\log n)$ time and thus we are able to sort $n$~integers
524 in time~$o(n\log n)$. This was a~beginning of a~long sequence of faster and
525 faster sorting algorithms, culminating with the work by Thorup and Han.
526 They have improved the time complexity of integer sorting to $\O(n\log\log n)$ deterministically~\cite{han:detsort}
527 and expected $\O(n\sqrt{\log\log n})$ for randomized algorithms~\cite{hanthor:randsort},
528 both in linear space.
530 The Fusion trees themselves have very limited use in graph algorithms, but the
531 principles behind them are ubiquitous in many other data structures and these
532 will serve us well and often. We are going to build the theory of Q-heaps in
533 Section \ref{qheaps}, which will later lead to a~linear-time MST algorithm
534 for arbitrary integer weights in Section \ref{iteralg}. Other such structures
535 will help us in building linear-time RAM algorithms for computing the ranks
536 of various combinatorial structures in Chapter~\ref{rankchap}.
538 Outside our area, important consequences of these data structures include the
539 Thorup's $\O(m)$ algorithm for single-source shortest paths in undirected
540 graphs with positive integer weights \cite{thorup:usssp} and his $\O(m\log\log
541 n)$ algorithm for the same problem in directed graphs \cite{thorup:sssp}. Both
542 algorithms have been then significantly simplified by Hagerup
545 Despite the progress in the recent years, the corner-stone of all RAM structures
546 is still the representation of combinatorial objects by integers introduced by
547 Fredman and Willard. It will also form a~basis for the rest of this chapter.
549 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
551 \section{Bits and vectors}\id{bitsect}
553 In this rather technical section, we will show how the RAM can be used as a~vector
554 computer to operate in parallel on multiple elements, as long as these elements
555 fit in a~single machine word. At the first sight this might seem useless, because we
556 cannot require large word sizes, but surprisingly often the elements are small
557 enough relative to the size of the algorithm's input and thus also relative to
558 the minimum possible word size. Also, as the following lemma shows, we can
559 easily emulate slightly longer words:
561 \lemman{Multiple-precision calculations}
562 Given a~RAM with $W$-bit words, we can emulate all calculation and control
563 instructions of a~RAM with word size $kW$ in time depending only on the~$k$.
564 (This is usually called \df{multiple-precision arithmetics.})
567 We split each word of the ``big'' machine to $W'$-bit blocks, where $W'=W/2$, and store these
568 blocks in $2k$ consecutive memory cells. Addition, subtraction, comparison and
569 bitwise logical operations can be performed block-by-block. Shifts by a~multiple
570 of~$W'$ are trivial, otherwise we can combine each block of the result from
571 shifted versions of two original blocks.
572 To multiply two numbers, we can use the elementary school algorithm using the $W'$-bit
573 blocks as digits in base $2^{W'}$ --- the product of any two blocks fits
576 Division is harder, but Newton-Raphson iteration (see~\cite{ito:newrap})
577 converges to the quotient in a~constant number of iterations, each of them
578 involving $\O(1)$ multiple-precision additions and multiplications. A~good
579 starting approximation can be obtained by dividing the two most-significant
580 (non-zero) blocks of both numbers.
582 Another approach to division is using the improved elementary school algorithm as described
583 by Knuth in~\cite{knuth:seminalg}. It uses $\O(k^2)$ steps, but the steps involve
584 calculation of the most significant bit set in a~word. We will show below that it
585 can be done in constant time, but we have to be careful to avoid division instructions.
588 \notan{Bit strings}\id{bitnota}%
589 We will work with binary representations of natural numbers by strings over the
590 alphabet $\{\0,\1\}$: we will use $\(x)$ for the number~$x$ written in binary,
591 $\(x)_b$ for the same padded to exactly $b$ bits by adding leading zeroes,
592 and $x[k]$ for the value of the $k$-th bit of~$x$ (with a~numbering of bits such that $2^k[k]=1$).
593 The usual conventions for operations on strings will be utilized: When $s$
594 and~$t$ are strings, we write $st$ for their concatenation and
595 $s^k$ for the string~$s$ repeated $k$~times.
596 When the meaning is clear from the context,
597 we will use $x$ and $\(x)$ interchangeably to avoid outbreak of symbols.
600 The \df{bitwise encoding} of a~vector ${\bf x}=(x_0,\ldots,x_{d-1})$ of~$b$-bit numbers
601 is an~integer~$x$ such that $\(x)=\(x_{d-1})_b\0\(x_{d-2})_b\0\ldots\0\(x_0)_b$, i.e.,
602 $x = \sum_i 2^{(b+1)i}\cdot x_i$. (We have interspersed the elements with \df{separator bits.})
604 \notan{Vectors}\id{vecnota}%
605 We will use boldface letters for vectors and the same letters in normal type
606 for their encodings. The elements of a~vector~${\bf x}$ will be written as
607 $x_0,\ldots,x_{d-1}$.
610 If we want to fit the whole vector in a~single word, the parameters $b$ and~$d$ must satisfy
611 the condition $(b+1)d\le W$.
612 By using multiple-precision arithmetics, we can encode all vectors satisfying $bd=\O(W)$.
613 We will now describe how to translate simple vector manipulations to sequences of $\O(1)$ RAM operations
614 on their codes. As we are interested in asymptotic complexity only, we prefer clarity
615 of the algorithms over saving instructions. Among other things, we freely use calculations
616 on words of size $\O(bd)$, assuming that the Multiple-precision lemma comes to save us
620 First of all, let us observe that we can use $\band$ and $\bor$ with suitable constants
621 to write zeroes or ones to an~arbitrary set of bit positions at once. These operations
622 are usually called \df{bit masking}. Also, any element of a~vector can be extracted or
623 replaced by a~different value in $\O(1)$ time by masking and shifts.
626 \def\setslot#1{\setbox0=#1\slotwd=\wd0}
627 \def\slot#1{\hbox to \slotwd{\hfil #1\hfil}}
628 \def\[#1]{\slot{$#1$}}
629 \def\9{\rack{\0}{\hss$\cdot$\hss}}
633 \halign{\hskip 0.15\hsize\hfil $ ##$&\hbox to 0.6\hsize{${}##$ \hss}\cr
638 \algn{Operations on vectors with $d$~elements of $b$~bits each}\id{vecops}
642 \:$\<Replicate>(\alpha)$ --- creates a~vector $(\alpha,\ldots,\alpha)$:
644 \alik{\<Replicate>(\alpha)=\alpha\cdot(\0^b\1)^d. \cr}
646 \:$\<Sum>(x)$ --- calculates the sum of the elements of~${\bf x}$, assuming that
647 the result fits in $b$~bits:
649 \alik{\<Sum>(x) = x \bmod \1^{b+1}. \cr}
651 This is correct because when we calculate modulo~$\1^{b+1}$, the number $2^{b+1}=\1\0^{b+1}$
652 is congruent to~1 and thus $x = \sum_i 2^{(b+1)i}\cdot x_i \equiv \sum_i 1^i\cdot x_i \equiv \sum_i x_i$.
653 As the result should fit in $b$~bits, the modulo makes no difference.
655 If we want to avoid division, we can use double-precision multiplication instead:
657 \setslot{\hbox{~$\0x_{d-1}$}}
660 \def\dd{\slot{$\cdots$}}
661 \def\vd{\slot{$\vdots$}}
662 \def\rule{\noalign{\medskip\nointerlineskip}$\hrulefill$\cr\noalign{\nointerlineskip\medskip}}
665 \[\0x_{d-1}] \dd \[\0x_2] \[\0x_1] \[\0x_0] \cr
666 *~~ \z \dd \z\z\z \cr
668 \[x_{d-1}] \dd \[x_2] \[x_1] \[x_0] \cr
669 \[x_{d-1}] \[x_{d-2}] \dd \[x_1] \[x_0] \. \cr
670 \[x_{d-1}] \[x_{d-2}] \[x_{d-3}] \dd \[x_0] \. \. \cr
671 \vd\vd\vd\vd\.\.\.\cr
672 \[x_{d-1}] \dd \[x_2]\[x_1]\[x_0] \. \. \. \. \cr
674 \[r_{d-1}] \dd \[r_2] \[r_1] \[s_d] \dd \[s_3] \[s_2] \[s_1] \cr
677 This way, we even get the vector of all partial sums:
678 $s_k=\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}x_i$, $r_k=\sum_{i=k}^{d-1}x_i$.
680 \:$\<Cmp>(x,y)$ --- element-wise comparison of~vectors ${\bf x}$ and~${\bf y}$,
681 i.e., a~vector ${\bf z}$ such that $z_i=1$ if $x_i<y_i$ and $z_i=0$ otherwise.
683 We replace the separator zeroes in~$x$ by ones and subtract~$y$. These ones
684 change back to zeroes exactly at the positions where $x_i<y_i$ and they stop
685 carries from propagating, so the fields do not interact with each other:
687 \setslot{\vbox{\hbox{~$x_{d-1}$}\hbox{~$y_{d-1}$}}}
688 \def\9{\rack{\0}{\hss ?\hss}}
690 \1 \[x_{d-1}] \1 \[x_{d-2}] \[\cdots] \1 \[x_1] \1 \[x_0] \cr
691 -~ \0 \[y_{d-1}] \0 \[y_{d-2}] \[\cdots] \0 \[y_1] \0 \[y_0] \cr
693 \9 \[\ldots] \9 \[\ldots] \[\cdots] \9 \[\ldots] \9 \[\ldots] \cr
696 It only remains to shift the separator bits to the right positions, negate them
697 and mask out all other bits.
699 \:$\<Rank>(x,\alpha)$ --- returns the number of elements of~${\bf x}$ which are less than~$\alpha$,
700 assuming that the result fits in~$b$ bits:
703 \<Rank>(x,\alpha) = \<Sum>(\<Cmp>(x,\<Replicate>(\alpha))). \cr
706 \:$\<Insert>(x,\alpha)$ --- inserts~$\alpha$ into a~sorted vector $\bf x$:
708 We calculate the rank of~$\alpha$ in~$x$ first, then we insert~$\alpha$ as the $k$-th
709 field of~$\bf x$ using masking operations and shifts.
712 \:$k\=\<Rank>(x,\alpha)$.
713 \:$\ell\=x \band \1^{(b+1)(n-k-1)}\0^{(b+1)(k+1)}$. \cmt{``left'' part of the vector}
714 \:$r=x \band \1^{(b+1)k}$. \cmt{``right'' part}
715 \:Return $(\ell\shl (b+1)) \bor (\alpha\shl ((b+1)k)) \bor r$.
718 \:$\<Unpack>(\alpha)$ --- creates a~vector whose elements are the bits of~$\(\alpha)_d$.
719 In other words, inserts blocks~$\0^b$ between the bits of~$\alpha$. Assuming that $b\ge d$,
720 we can do it as follows:
723 \:$x\=\<Replicate>(\alpha)$.
724 \:$y\=(2^{b-1},2^{b-2},\ldots,2^0)$. \cmt{bitwise encoding of this vector}
726 \:Return $\<Cmp>(z,y)$.
729 Let us observe that $z_i$ is either zero or equal to~$y_i$ depending on the value
730 of the $i$-th bit of the number~$\alpha$. Comparing it with~$y_i$ normalizes it
731 to either zero or one.
733 \:$\<Unpack>_\pi(\alpha)$ --- like \<Unpack>, but changes the order of the
734 bits according to a~fixed permutation~$\pi$: The $i$-th element of the
735 resulting vector is equal to~$\alpha[\pi(i)]$.
737 Implemented as above, but with a~mask $y=(2^{\pi(b-1)},\ldots,2^{\pi(0)})$.
739 \:$\<Pack>(x)$ --- the inverse of \<Unpack>: given a~vector of zeroes and ones,
740 it produces a~number whose bits are the elements of the vector (in other words,
741 it crosses out the $\0^b$ blocks).
743 We interpret the~$x$ as an~encoding of a~vector with elements one bit shorter
744 and we sum these elements. For example, when $n=4$ and~$b=4$:
746 \setslot{\hbox{$x_3$}}
748 \def\|{\hskip1pt\vrule height 10pt depth 4pt\hskip1pt}
749 \def\.{\hphantom{\|}}
752 \|\z\.\z\.\z\.\z\.\[x_3]\|\z\.\z\.\z\.\z\.\[x_2]\|\z\.\z\.\z\.\z\[x_1]\|\z\.\z\.\z\.\z\.\[x_0]\|\cr
753 \|\z\.\z\.\z\.\z\|\[x_3]\.\z\.\z\.\z\|\z\.\[x_2]\.\z\.\z\|\z\.\z\[x_1]\.\z\|\z\.\z\.\z\.\[x_0]\|\cr
756 However, this ``reformatting'' does not produce a~correct encoding of a~vector,
757 because the separator zeroes are missing. For this reason, the implementation
758 of~\<Sum> using modulo does not work correctly (it produces $\0^b$ instead of $\1^b$).
759 We therefore use the technique based on multiplication instead, which does not need
760 the separators. (Alternatively, we can observe that $\1^b$ is the only case
761 affected, so we can handle it separately.)
766 We can use the aforementioned tricks to perform interesting operations on individual
767 numbers in constant time, too. Let us assume for a~while that we are
768 operating on $b$-bit numbers and the word size is at least~$b^2$.
769 This enables us to make use of intermediate vectors with $b$~elements
772 \algn{Integer operations in quadratic workspace}\id{lsbmsb}
776 \:$\<Weight>(\alpha)$ --- computes the Hamming weight of~$\alpha$, i.e., the number of ones in~$\(\alpha)$.
778 We perform \<Unpack> and then \<Sum>.
780 \:$\<Permute>_\pi(\alpha)$ --- shuffles the bits of~$\alpha$ according
781 to a~fixed permutation~$\pi$.
783 We perform $\<Unpack>_\pi$ and \<Pack> back.
785 \:$\<LSB>(\alpha)$ --- finds the least significant bit of~$\alpha$,
786 i.e., the smallest~$i$ such that $\alpha[i]=1$.
788 By a~combination of subtraction with $\bxor$, we create a~number
789 that contains ones exactly at the position of $\<LSB>(\alpha)$ and below:
792 \alpha&= \9\9\9\9\9\1\0\0\0\0\cr
793 \alpha-1&= \9\9\9\9\9\0\1\1\1\1\cr
794 \alpha\bxor(\alpha-1)&= \0\9\9\9\0\1\1\1\1\1\cr
797 Then we calculate the \<Weight> of the result and subtract~1.
799 \:$\<MSB>(\alpha)$ --- finds the most significant bit of~$\alpha$ (the position
800 of the highest bit set).
802 Reverse the bits of the number~$\alpha$ first by calling \<Permute>, then apply \<LSB>
803 and subtract the result from~$b-1$.
808 As noted by Brodnik~\cite{brodnik:lsb} and others, the space requirements of
809 the \<LSB> operation can be reduced to linear. We split the input to $\sqrt{b}$
810 blocks of $\sqrt{b}$ bits each. Then we determine which blocks are non-zero and
811 identify the lowest such block (this is a~\<LSB> of a~number whose bits
812 correspond to the blocks). Finally we calculate the \<LSB> of this block. In
813 both calls to \<LSB,> we have a $\sqrt{b}$-bit number in a~$b$-bit word, so we
814 can use the previous algorithm. The same trick of course works for finding the
817 The following algorithm shows the details.
819 \algn{LSB in linear workspace}
822 \algin A~$w$-bit number~$\alpha$.
823 \:$b\=\lceil\sqrt{w}\,\rceil$. \cmt{size of a~block}
824 \:$\ell\=b$. \cmt{the number of blocks is the same}
825 \:$x\=(\alpha \band (\0\1^b)^\ell) \bor (\alpha \band (\1\0^b)^\ell)$.
827 \cmt{encoding of a~vector~${\bf x}$ such that $x_i\ne 0$ iff the $i$-th block is non-zero}%
828 \foot{Why is this so complicated? It is tempting to take $\alpha$ itself as a~code of this vector,
829 but we unfortunately need the separator bits between elements, so we create them and
830 relocate the bits we have overwritten.}
831 \:$y\=\<Cmp>(0,x)$. \cmt{$y_i=1$ if the $i$-th block is non-zero, otherwise $y_0=0$}
832 \:$\beta\=\<Pack>(y)$. \cmt{each block compressed to a~single bit}
833 \:$p\=\<LSB>(\beta)$. \cmt{the index of the lowest non-zero block}
834 \:$\gamma\=(\alpha \shr bp) \band \1^b$. \cmt{the contents of that block}
835 \:$q\=\<LSB>(\gamma)$. \cmt{the lowest bit set there}
836 \algout $\<LSB>(\alpha) = bp+q$.
840 We have used a~plenty of constants that depend on the format of the vectors.
841 Either we can write non-uniform programs (see \ref{nonuniform}) and use native constants,
842 or we can observe that all such constants can be easily manufactured. For example,
843 $(\0^b\1)^d = \1^{(b+1)d} / \1^{b+1} = (2^{(b+1)d}-1)/(2^{b+1}-1)$. The only exceptions
844 are the~$w$ and~$b$ in the LSB algorithm \ref{lsb}, which we are unable to produce
845 in constant time. In practice we use the ``bit tricks'' as frequently called subroutines
846 in an~encompassing algorithm, so we usually can spend a~lot of time on the precalculation
847 of constants performed once during algorithm startup.
850 The history of combining arithmetic and logical operations to obtain fast programs for various
851 interesting functions is blurred. Many of the ``bit tricks'' we have described have been
852 discovered independently by numerous people in the early ages of digital computers.
853 Since then, they have become a~part of the computer science folklore. Probably the
854 earliest documented occurrence is in the 1972's memo of the MIT Artificial Intelligence
855 Lab \cite{hakmem}. However, until the work of Fredman and Willard nobody seemed to
856 realize the full consequences.
858 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
860 \section{Q-Heaps}\id{qheaps}%
862 We have shown how to perform non-trivial operations on a~set of values
863 in constant time, but so far only under the assumption that the number of these
864 values is small enough and that the values themselves are also small enough
865 (so that the whole set fits in $\O(1)$ machine words). Now we will show how to
866 lift the restriction on the magnitude of the values and still keep constant time
867 complexity. We will describe a~slightly simplified version of the Q-heaps developed by
868 Fredman and Willard in~\cite{fw:transdich}.
870 The Q-heap represents a~set of at most~$k$ word-sized integers, where $k\le W^{1/4}$
871 and $W$ is the word size of the machine. It will support insertion, deletion, finding
872 of minimum and maximum, and other operations described below, in constant time, provided that
873 we are willing to spend~$\O(2^{k^4})$ time on preprocessing.
875 The exponential-time preprocessing may sound alarming, but a~typical application uses
876 Q-heaps of size $k=\log^{1/4} N$, where $N$ is the size of the algorithm's input.
877 This guarantees that $k\le W^{1/4}$ and $\O(2^{k^4}) = \O(N)$. Let us however
878 remark that the whole construction is primarily of theoretical importance
879 and that the huge constants involved everywhere make these heaps useless
880 in practical algorithms. Despise this, many of the tricks we develop have proven
881 themselves useful even in real-life implementations.
883 Spending the time on reprocessing makes it possible to precompute tables for
884 almost arbitrary functions and then assume that they can be evaluated in
887 \lemma\id{qhprecomp}%
888 When~$f$ is a~function computable in polynomial time, $\O(2^{k^4})$ time is enough
889 to precompute a~table of the values of~$f$ for all arguments whose size is $\O(k^3)$ bits.
892 There are $2^{\O(k^3)}$ possible combinations of arguments of the given size and for each of
893 them we spend $\poly(k)$ time on calculating the function. It remains
894 to observe that $2^{\O(k^3)}\cdot \poly(k) = \O(2^{k^4})$.
897 \paran{Tries and ranks}%
898 We will first show an~auxiliary construction based on tries and then derive
899 the real definition of the Q-heap from it.
902 Let us introduce some notation first:
904 \:$W$ --- the word size of the RAM,
905 \:$k = \O(W^{1/4})$ --- the limit on the size of the heap,
906 \:$n\le k$ --- the number of elements stored in the heap,
907 \:$X=\{x_1, \ldots, x_n\}$ --- the elements themselves: distinct $W$-bit numbers
908 indexed in a~way that $x_1 < \ldots < x_n$,
909 \:$g_i = \<MSB>(x_i \bxor x_{i+1})$ --- the position of the most significant bit in which $x_i$ and~$x_{i+1}$ differ,
910 \:$R_X(x)$ --- the rank of~$x$ in~$X$, that is the number of elements of~$X$ which are less than~$x$
911 (where $x$~itself need not be an~element of~$X$).\foot{We will dedicate the whole chapter \ref{rankchap} to the
912 study of various ranks.}
916 A~\df{trie} for a~set of strings~$S$ over a~finite alphabet~$\Sigma$ is
917 a~rooted tree whose vertices are the prefixes of the strings in~$S$ and there
918 is an~edge going from a~prefix~$\alpha$ to a~prefix~$\beta$ iff $\beta$ can be
919 obtained from~$\alpha$ by appending a~single symbol of the alphabet. The edge
920 will be labeled with the particular symbol. We will also define the~\df{letter depth}
921 of a~vertex as the length of the corresponding prefix. We mark the vertices
922 which match a~string of~$S$.
924 A~\df{compressed trie} is obtained from the trie by removing the vertices of outdegree~1
925 except for the root and marked vertices.
926 Wherever is a~directed path whose internal vertices have outdegree~1 and they carry
927 no mark, we replace this path by a~single edge labeled with the concatenation
928 of the original edges' labels.
930 In both kinds of tries, we order the outgoing edges of every vertex by their labels
934 In both tries, the root of the tree is the empty word and for every other vertex, the
935 corresponding prefix is equal to the concatenation of edge labels on the path
936 leading from the root to that vertex. The letter depth of the vertex is equal to
937 the total size of these labels. All leaves correspond to strings in~$S$, but so can
938 some internal vertices if there are two strings in~$S$ such that one is a~prefix
941 Furthermore, the labels of all edges leaving a~common vertex are always
942 distinct and when we compress the trie, no two such labels have share their initial
943 symbols. This allows us to search in the trie efficiently: when looking for
944 a~string~$x$, we follow the path from the root and whenever we visit
945 an~internal vertex of letter depth~$d$, we test the $d$-th character of~$x$,
946 we follow the edge whose label starts with this character, and we check that the
947 rest of the label matches.
949 The compressed trie is also efficient in terms of space consumption --- it has
950 $\O(\vert S\vert)$ vertices (this can be easily shown by induction on~$\vert S\vert$)
951 and all edge labels can be represented in space linear in the sum of the
952 lengths of the strings in~$S$.
955 For our set~$X$, we define~$T$ as a~compressed trie for the set of binary
956 encodings of the numbers~$x_i$, padded to exactly $W$~bits, i.e., for $S = \{ \(x)_W \mid x\in X \}$.
959 The trie~$T$ has several interesting properties. Since all words in~$S$ have the same
960 length, the leaves of the trie correspond to these exact words, that is to the numbers~$x_i$.
961 The inorder traversal of the trie enumerates the words of~$S$ in lexicographic order
962 and therefore also the~$x_i$'s in the order of their values. Between each
963 pair of leaves $x_i$ and~$x_{i+1}$ it visits an~internal vertex whose letter depth
964 is exactly~$W-1-g_i$.
967 Let us now modify the algorithm for searching in the trie and make it compare
968 only the first symbols of the edges. In other words, we will test only the bits~$g_i$
969 which will be called \df{guides} (as they guide us through the tree). For $x\in
970 X$, the modified algorithm will still return the correct leaf. For all~$x$ outside~$X$
971 it will no longer fail and instead it will land on some leaf~$x_i$. At the
972 first sight the number~$x_i$ may seem unrelated, but we will show that it can be
973 used to determine the rank of~$x$ in~$X$, which will later form a~basis for all
977 The rank $R_X(x)$ is uniquely determined by a~combination of:
980 \:the index~$i$ of the leaf found when searching for~$x$ in~$T$,
981 \:the relation ($<$, $=$, $>$) between $x$ and $x_i$,
982 \:the bit position $b=\<MSB>(x\bxor x_i)$ of the first disagreement between~$x$ and~$x_i$.
986 If $x\in X$, we detect that from $x_i=x$ and the rank is obviously~$i-1$.
987 Let us assume that $x\not\in X$ and imagine that we follow the same path as when
989 but this time we check the full edge labels. The position~$b$ is the first position
990 where~$\(x)$ disagrees with a~label. Before this point, all edges not taken by
991 the search were leading either to subtrees containing elements all smaller than~$x$
992 or all larger than~$x$ and the only values not known yet are those in the subtree
993 below the edge that we currently consider. Now if $x[b]=0$ (and therefore $x<x_i$),
994 all values in that subtree have $x_j[b]=1$ and thus they are larger than~$x$. In the other
995 case, $x[b]=1$ and $x_j[b]=0$, so they are smaller.
998 \paran{A~better representation}%
999 The preceding lemma shows that the rank can be computed in polynomial time, but
1000 unfortunately the variables on which it depends are too large for a~table to
1001 be efficiently precomputed. We will carefully choose an~equivalent representation
1002 of the trie which is compact enough.
1005 The compressed trie is uniquely determined by the order of the guides~$g_1,\ldots,g_{n-1}$.
1008 We already know that the letter depths of the trie vertices are exactly
1009 the numbers~$W-1-g_i$. The root of the trie must have the smallest of these
1010 letter depths, i.e., it must correspond to the highest numbered bit. Let
1011 us call this bit~$g_i$. This implies that the values $x_1,\ldots,x_i$
1012 must lie in the left subtree of the root and $x_{i+1},\ldots,x_n$ in its
1013 right subtree. Both subtrees can be then constructed recursively.\foot{This
1014 construction is also known as the \df{cartesian tree} for the sequence
1015 $g_1,\ldots,g_n$ and it is useful in many other algorithms as it can be
1016 built in $\O(n)$ time. A~nice application on the Lowest Common Ancestor
1017 and Range Minimum problems has been described by Bender et al.~in \cite{bender:lca}.}
1021 Unfortunately, the vector of the $g_i$'s is also too long (is has $k\log W$ bits
1022 and we have no upper bound on~$W$ in terms of~$k$), so we will compress it even
1027 \:$B = \{g_1,\ldots,g_n\}$ --- the set of bit positions of all the guides, stored as a~sorted array,
1028 \:$G : \{1,\ldots,n\} \rightarrow \{1,\ldots,n\}$ --- a~function mapping
1029 the guides to their bit positions in~$B$: $g_i = B[G(i)]$,
1030 \:$x[B]$ --- a~bit string containing the bits of~$x$ originally located
1031 at the positions given by~$B$, i.e., the concatenation of bits $x[B[1]],
1032 x[B[2]],\ldots, x[B[n]]$.
1036 The set~$B$ has $\O(k\log W)=\O(W)$ bits, so it can be stored in a~constant number
1037 of machine words in form of a~sorted vector. The function~$G$ can be also stored as a~vector
1038 of $\O(k\log k)$ bits. We can change a~single~$g_i$ in constant time using
1039 vector operations: First we delete the original value of~$g_i$ from~$B$ if it
1040 is not used anywhere else. Then we add the new value to~$B$ if it was not
1041 there yet and we write its position in~$B$ to~$G(i)$. Whenever we insert
1042 or delete a~value in~$B$, the values at the higher positions shift one position
1043 up or down and we have to update the pointers in~$G$. This can be fortunately
1044 accomplished by adding or subtracting a~result of vector comparison.
1046 In this representation, we can reformulate our lemma on ranks as follows:
1049 The rank $R_X(x)$ can be computed in constant time from:
1052 \:the values $x_1,\ldots,x_n$,
1053 \:the bit string~$x[B]$,
1058 Let us prove that all ingredients of Lemma~\ref{qhdeterm} are either small
1059 enough or computable in constant time.
1061 We know that the shape of the trie~$T$ is uniquely determined by the order of the $g_i$'s
1062 and therefore by the function~$G$ since the array~$B$ is sorted. The shape of
1063 the trie together with the bits in $x[B]$ determine the leaf~$x_i$ found when searching
1064 for~$x$ using only the guides. This can be computed in polynomial time and it
1065 depends on $\O(k\log k)$ bits of input, so according to Lemma~\ref{qhprecomp}
1066 we can look it up in a~precomputed table.
1068 The relation between $x$ and~$x_i$ can be obtained directly as we know the~$x_i$.
1069 The bit position of the first disagreement can be calculated in constant time
1070 using the LSB/MSB algorithm (\ref{lsb}).
1072 All these ingredients can be stored in $\O(k\log k)$ bits, so we may assume
1073 that the rank can be looked up in constant time as well.
1077 In the Q-heap we would like to store the set~$X$ as a~sorted array together
1078 with the corresponding trie, which will allow us to determine the position
1079 for a~newly inserted element in constant time. However, the set is too large
1080 to fit in a~vector and we cannot perform insertion on an~ordinary array in
1081 constant time. This can be worked around by keeping the set in an~unsorted
1082 array together with a~vector containing the permutation that sorts the array.
1083 We can then insert a~new element at an~arbitrary place in the array and just
1084 update the permutation to reflect the correct order.
1086 We are now ready for the real definition of the Q-heap and for the description
1087 of the basic operations on it.
1090 A~\df{Q-heap} consists of:
1092 \:$k$, $n$ --- the capacity of the heap and the current number of elements (word-sized integers),
1093 \:$X$ --- the set of word-sized elements stored in the heap (an~array of words in an~arbitrary order),
1094 \:$\varrho$ --- a~permutation on~$\{1,\ldots,n\}$ such that $X[\varrho(1)] < \ldots < X[\varrho(n)]$
1095 (a~vector of $\O(n\log k)$ bits; we will write $x_i$ for $X[\varrho(i)]$),
1096 \:$B$ --- a~set of ``interesting'' bit positions
1097 (a~sorted vector of~$\O(n\log W)$ bits),
1098 \:$G$ --- the function that maps the guides to the bit positions in~$B$
1099 (a~vector of~$\O(n\log k)$ bits),
1100 \:precomputed tables of various functions.
1103 \algn{Search in the Q-heap}\id{qhfirst}%
1105 \algin A~Q-heap and an~integer~$x$ to search for.
1106 \:$i\=R_X(x)+1$, using Lemma~\ref{qhrank} to calculate the rank.
1107 \:If $i\le n$ return $x_i$, otherwise return {\sc undefined.}
1108 \algout The smallest element of the heap which is greater or equal to~$x$.
1111 \algn{Insertion to the Q-heap}
1113 \algin A~Q-heap and an~integer~$x$ to insert.
1114 \:$i\=R_X(x)+1$, using Lemma~\ref{qhrank} to calculate the rank.
1115 \:If $x=x_i$, return immediately (the value is already present).
1116 \:Insert the new value to~$X$:
1119 \::Insert~$n$ at the $i$-th position in the permutation~$\varrho$.
1120 \:Update the $g_j$'s:
1121 \::Move all~$g_j$ for $j\ge i$ one position up. \hfil\break
1122 This translates to insertion in the vector representing~$G$.
1123 \::Recalculate $g_{i-1}$ and~$g_i$ according to the definition.
1124 \hfil\break Update~$B$ and~$G$ as described in~\ref{qhsetb}.
1125 \algout The updated Q-heap.
1128 \algn{Deletion from the Q-heap}
1130 \algin A~Q-heap and an~integer~$x$ to be deleted from it.
1131 \:$i\=R_X(x)+1$, using Lemma~\ref{qhrank} to calculate the rank.
1132 \:If $i>n$ or $x_i\ne x$, return immediately (the value is not in the heap).
1133 \:Delete the value from~$X$:
1134 \::$X[\varrho(i)]\=X[n]$.
1135 \::Find $j$ such that~$\varrho(j)=n$ and set $\varrho(j)\=\varrho(i)$.
1137 \:Update the $g_j$'s like in the previous algorithm.
1138 \algout The updated Q-heap.
1141 \algn{Finding the $i$-th smallest element in the Q-heap}\id{qhlast}%
1143 \algin A~Q-heap and an~index~$i$.
1144 \:If $i<1$ or $i>n$, return {\sc undefined.}
1146 \algout The $i$-th smallest element in the heap.
1150 The heap algorithms we have just described have been built from primitives
1151 operating in constant time, with one notable exception: the extraction
1152 $x[B]$ of all bits of~$x$ at positions specified by the set~$B$. This cannot be done
1153 in~$\O(1)$ time on the Word-RAM, but we can implement it with ${\rm AC}^0$
1154 instructions as suggested by Andersson in \cite{andersson:fusion} or even
1155 with those ${\rm AC}^0$ instructions present on real processors (see Thorup
1156 \cite{thorup:aczero}). On the Word-RAM, we need to make use of the fact
1157 that the set~$B$ is not changing too much --- there are $\O(1)$ changes
1158 per Q-heap operation. As Fredman and Willard have shown, it is possible
1159 to maintain a~``decoder'', whose state is stored in $\O(1)$ machine words,
1160 and which helps us to extract $x[B]$ in a~constant number of operations:
1162 \lemman{Extraction of bits}\id{qhxtract}%
1163 Under the assumptions on~$k$, $W$ and the preprocessing time as in the Q-heaps,\foot{%
1164 Actually, this is the only place where we need~$k$ to be as low as $W^{1/4}$.
1165 In the ${\rm AC}^0$ implementation, it is enough to ensure $k\log k\le W$.
1166 On the other hand, we need not care about the exponent because it can
1167 be arbitrarily increased using the Q-heap trees described below.}
1168 it is possible to maintain a~data structure for a~set~$B$ of bit positions,
1169 which allows~$x[B]$ to be extracted in $\O(1)$ time for an~arbitrary~$x$.
1170 When a~single element is inserted to~$B$ or deleted from~$B$, the structure
1171 can be updated in constant time, as long as $\vert B\vert \le k$.
1174 See Fredman and Willard \cite{fw:transdich}.
1178 This was the last missing bit of the mechanics of the Q-heaps. We are
1179 therefore ready to conclude this section by the following theorem
1180 and its consequences:
1182 \thmn{Q-heaps, Fredman and Willard \cite{fw:transdich}}\id{qh}%
1183 Let $W$ and~$k$ be positive integers such that $k=\O(W^{1/4})$. Let~$Q$
1184 be a~Q-heap of at most $k$-elements of $W$~bits each. Then the Q-heap
1185 operations \ref{qhfirst} to \ref{qhlast} on~$Q$ (insertion, deletion,
1186 search for a~given value and search for the $i$-th smallest element)
1187 run in constant time on a~Word-RAM with word size~$W$, after spending
1188 time $\O(2^{k^4})$ on the same RAM on precomputing of tables.
1191 Every operation on the Q-heap can be performed in a~constant number of
1192 vector operations and calculations of ranks. The ranks are computed
1193 in $\O(1)$ steps involving again $\O(1)$ vector operations, binary
1194 logarithms and bit extraction. All these can be calculated in constant
1195 time using the results of section \ref{bitsect} and Lemma \ref{qhxtract}.
1198 \paran{Combining Q-heaps}%
1199 We can also use the Q-heaps as building blocks of more complex structures
1200 like Atomic heaps and AF-heaps (see once again \cite{fw:transdich}). We will
1201 show a~simpler, but useful construction, sometimes called the \df{Q-heap tree.}
1202 Suppose we have a~Q-heap of capacity~$k$ and a~parameter $d\in{\bb N}^+$. We
1203 can build a~balanced $k$-ary tree of depth~$d$ such that its leaves contain
1204 a~given set and every internal vertex keeps the minimum value in the subtree
1205 rooted in it, together with a~Q-heap containing the values in all its sons.
1206 This allows minimum to be extracted in constant time (it is placed in the root)
1207 and when any element is changed, it is sufficient to recalculate the values
1208 from the path from this element to the root, which takes $\O(d)$ Q-heap
1211 \corn{Q-heap trees}\id{qhtree}%
1212 For every positive integer~$r$ and $\delta>0$ there exists a~data structure
1213 capable of maintaining the minimum of a~set of at most~$r$ word-sized numbers
1214 under insertions and deletions. Each operation takes $\O(1)$ time on a~Word-RAM
1215 with word size $W=\Omega(r^{\delta})$, after spending time
1216 $\O(2^{r^\delta})$ on precomputing of tables.
1219 Choose $\delta' \le \delta$ such that $r^{\delta'} = \O(W^{1/4})$. Build
1220 a~Q-heap tree of depth $d=\lceil \delta/\delta'\rceil$ containing Q-heaps of
1221 size $k=r^{\delta'}$. \qed
1224 When we have an~algorithm with input of size~$N$, the word size is at least~$\log N$
1225 and we can spend time $\O(N)$ on preprocessing, so we can choose $r=\log N$ and
1226 $\delta=1$ in the above corollary and get a~heap of size $\log N$ working in
1227 constant time per operation.