7 {\obeylines\parskip=0pt
8 \def\n#1#2{\>\hbox to 6em{#1 \dotfill} #2}
9 \def\[#1]{[\thmref{#1}]}
10 \n{$T[x,y]$}{the path in a tree~$T$ joining $x$ and $y$ \[heavy]}
11 \n{$T[e]$}{the path in a tree~$T$ joining the endpoints of an~edge~$e$ \[heavy]}
12 \n{$A\symdiff B$}{symetric difference of sets: $(A\setminus B) \cup (B\setminus A)$}
13 \n{$G-e$}{graph $G$ with edge $e$ removed}
14 \n{$G+e$}{graph $G$ with edge $e$ added}
15 \n{$w(e)$}{weight of an edge $e$}
16 \n{$V(G)$}{set of vertices of a graph~$G$}
17 \n{$E(G)$}{set of edges of a graph~$G$}
18 \n{$n(G)$}{number of vertices of a graph~$G$, that is $\vert V(G)\vert$}
19 \n{$m(G)$}{number of edges of a graph~$G$, that is $\vert E(G)\vert$}
20 \n{$V,E,n,m$}{when used without $(G)$, they refer to the input of the current algorithm}
21 \n{MST}{minimal spanning tree \[mstdef]}
22 \n{MSF}{minimal spanning forest \[mstdef]}