5 \chapter{Minimum Spanning Trees}
9 The problem of finding a minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph is one of the
10 best studied problems in the area of combinatorial optimization and it can be said
11 that it stood at the cradle of this discipline. Its colorful history (see \cite{graham:msthistory}
12 and \cite{nesetril:history} for the full account) begins in~1926 with
13 the pioneering work of Bor\accent23uvka
14 \cite{boruvka:ojistem}\foot{See \cite{nesetril:boruvka} for an English translation with commentary.},
15 who studied primarily an Euclidean version of the problem related to planning
16 of electrical transmission lines (see \cite{boruvka:networks}), but gave an efficient
17 algorithm for the general version of the problem. As it was well before the birth of graph
18 theory, the language of his paper was complicated, so we will rather state the problem
19 in contemporary terminology:
21 \proclaim{Problem}Given an undirected graph~$G$ with weights $w:E(G)\rightarrow {\bb R}$,
22 find its minimum spanning tree, where:
25 For a given graph~$G$ with weights $w:E(G)\rightarrow {\bb R}$:
27 \:A~tree $T$ is a \df{spanning tree} of~$G$ if and only if $V(T)=V(G)$ and $E(T)\subseteq E(G)$.
28 \:For any subgraph $H\subseteq G$ we define its \df{weight} $w(H):=\sum_{e\in E(H)} w(e)$.
29 \:A~spanning tree~$T$ is \df{minimal} iff $w(T)$ is the smallest possible of all spanning trees.
30 We use an abbreviation \df{MST} for such trees.
31 \:For a disconnected graph, a \df{(minimal) spanning forest (MSF)} is defined as
32 a union of (minimal) spanning trees of its connected components.
35 Bor\accent23uvka's work was further extended by Jarn\'\i{}k \cite{jarnik:ojistem}, again in
36 mostly geometric setting, giving another polynomial algorithm. However, when
37 computer science and graph theory started forming in the 1950's and the
38 spanning tree problem was one of the central topics of the flourishing new
39 disciplines, the previous work was not well known and the algorithms have been
40 rediscovered several times.
42 Recently, several significantly faster algorithms were discovered, most notably the
43 $\O(m\beta(m,n))$-time algorithm by Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci} and
44 algorithms with inverse-Ackermann type complexity by Chazelle \cite{chazelle:ackermann}
45 and Pettie \cite{pettie:ackermann}.
47 \FIXME{Write the rest of the history.}
49 This chapter attempts to survery the important algorithms for finding the MST and it
50 also presents several new ones.
52 \section{Basic Properties}
54 In this section, we will examine the basic properties of spanning trees and prove
55 several important theorems to base the algorithms upon. We will follow the theory
56 developed by Tarjan in~\cite{tarjan:dsna}.
58 For the whole section, we will fix a graph~$G$ with edge weights~$w$ and all other
59 graphs will be subgraphs of~$G$ containing all of its vertices. We will use the
60 same notation for the subgraph and for the corresponding set of edges.
62 First of all, let us show that the weights on edges are not necessary for the
63 definition of the MST. We can formulate an equivalent characterization using
64 an ordering of edges instead.
66 \defnn{Heavy and light edges}\thmid{heavy}%
67 Let~$T$ be a~spanning tree. Then:
69 \:For vertices $x$ and $y$, let $T[x,y]$ denote the (unique) path in~$T$ joining $x$ and~$y$.
70 \:For an edge $e=xy$ we will call $T[e]:=T[x,y]$ the \df{path covered by~$e$} and
71 the edges of this path \df{edges covered by~$e$}.
72 \:An edge~$e$ is called \df{$T$-light} if it covers a heavier edge, i.e., if there
73 is an edge $f\in T[e]$ such that $w(f) > w(e)$.
74 \:An edge~$e$ is called \df{$T$-heavy} if it is not $T$-light.
78 Please note that the above properties also apply to tree edges
79 which by definition cover only themselves and therefore they are always heavy.
81 \lemman{Light edges}\thmid{lightlemma}%
82 Let $T$ be a spanning tree. If there exists a $T$-light edge, then~$T$
86 If there is a $T$-light edge~$e$, then there exists an edge $f\in T[e]$ such
87 that $w(f)>w(e)$. Now $T-f$ is a forest of two trees with endpoints of~$e$
88 located in different components, so adding $e$ to this forest must restore
89 connectivity and $T':=T-f+e$ is another spanning tree with weight $w(T')
90 = w(T)-w(f)+w(e) < w(T)$. Hence $T$ could not have been minimal.
93 \figure{mst2.eps}{278pt}{An edge exchange as in the proof of Lemma~\thmref{lightlemma}}
95 The converse of this lemma is also true and to prove it, we will once again use
96 technique of transforming trees by \df{exchanges} of edges. In the proof of the
97 lemma, we have made use of the fact that whenever we exchange an edge~$e$ of
98 a spanning tree for another edge~$f$ covered by~$e$, the result is again
99 a spanning tree. In fact, it is possible to transform any spanning tree
100 to any other spanning tree by a sequence of exchanges.
102 \lemman{Exchange property for trees}\thmid{xchglemma}%
103 Let $T$ and $T'$ be spanning trees of a common graph. Then there exists
104 a sequence of edge exchanges which transforms $T$ to~$T'$. More formally,
105 there exists a sequence of spanning trees $T=T_0,T_1,\ldots,T_k=T'$ such that
106 $T_{i+1}=T_i - e_i + e_i^\prime$ where $e_i\in T_i$ and $e_i^\prime\in T'$.
109 By induction on $d(T,T'):=\vert T\symdiff T'\vert$. When $d(T,T')=0$, then
110 both trees are identical and an empty sequence suffices. Otherwise, the trees are different,
111 but they are of the same size, so there must exist an edge $e'\in T'\setminus T$.
112 The cycle $T[e']+e'$ cannot be wholly contained in~$T'$, so there also must
113 exist an edge $e\in T[e']\setminus T'$. Exchanging $e$ for~$e'$ yields a spanning
114 tree $T^*:=T-e+e'$ such that $d(T^*,T')=d(T,T')-2$ and we can apply the induction
115 hypothesis to $T^*$ and $T'$ to get the rest of the exchange sequence.
118 \figure{mst1.eps}{295pt}{One step of the proof of Lemma~\thmref{xchglemma}}
120 \lemman{Monotone exchanges}\thmid{monoxchg}%
121 Let $T$ be a spanning tree such that there are no $T$-light edges and $T$
122 be an arbitrary spanning tree. Then there exists a sequence of edge exchanges
123 transforming $T$ to~$T'$ such that the weight does not increase in any step.
126 We improve the argument from the previous proof, refining the induction step.
127 When we exchange $e\in T$ for $e'\in T'\setminus T$ such that $e\in T[e']$,
128 the weight never drops, since $e'$ is not a $T$-light edge and therefore
129 $w(e') \ge w(e)$, so $w(T^*)=w(T)-w(e)+w(e')\le w(T)$.
131 To allow the induction to proceed, we have to make sure that there are still
132 no light edges with respect to~$T^*$. In fact, it is enough to avoid $T^*$-light
133 edges in $T'\setminus T^*$, since these are the only edges considered by the
134 induction step. Instead of picking $e'$ arbitrarily, we will pick the lightest
135 edge available. Now consider an edge $f\in T'\setminus T^*$. We want to show
136 that $f$ is heavier than all edges on $T^*[f]$.
138 The path $T^*[f]$ is either the original path $T[f]$ (if $e\not\in T[f]$)
139 or $T[f] \symdiff C$, where $C$ is the cycle $T[e']+e$. The first case is
140 trivial, in the second case $w(f)\ge w(e')$ and all other edges on~$C$
141 are lighter than~$e'$.
145 A~spanning tree~$T$ is minimal iff there is no $T$-light edge.
148 If~$T$ is minimal, then by Lemma~\thmref{lightlemma} there are no $T$-light
150 Conversely, when $T$ is a spanning tree without $T$-light edges
151 and $T_{min}$ is an arbitrary minimal spanning tree, then according to the Monotone
152 exchange lemma (\thmref{monoxchg}) there exists a non-decreasing sequence
153 of exchanges transforming $T$ to $T_{min}$, so $w(T)\le w(T_{min})$
154 and thus $T$~is also minimal.
157 In general, a single graph can have many minimal spanning trees (for example
158 a complete graph on~$n$ vertices and unit edge weights has $n^{n-2}$
159 minimum spanning trees according to the Cayley's formula \cite{cayley:trees}).
160 However, this is possible only if the weight function is not injective.
162 \lemman{MST uniqueness}
163 If all edge weights are distinct, then the minimum spanning tree is unique.
166 Consider two minimal spanning trees $T_1$ and~$T_2$. According to the previous
167 theorem, there are no light edges with respect to neither of them, so by the
168 Monotone exchange lemma (\thmref{monoxchg}) there exists a non-decreasing sequence
169 of edge exchanges going from $T_1$ to $T_2$. Each exchange in this sequence is
170 strictly increasing, because all edge weights all distinct. On the other hand,
171 we know that $w(T_1)=w(T_2)$, so the exchange sequence must be empty and indeed
172 $T_1$ and $T_2$ must be identical.
175 \rem\thmid{edgeoracle}%
176 To simplify the description of MST algorithms, we will expect that the input
177 graph has all edge weights distinct. We will also assume that instead of explicit
178 edge weights we will be given a comparison oracle, that is a function which answers
179 questions ``$w(e)<w(f)$?'' in constant time. Please note that this is without loss
180 of generality, because when some edges have identical weights, we can determine their
181 relative order by comparing some unique identifiers of these edges and every MST
182 of the new graph will be also a MST of the original one.
183 In the few cases where we need a more concrete input, we will explicitly say so.
185 \section{The Red-Blue Meta-Algorithm}
187 Most MST algorithms can be described as special cases of the following procedure
188 (again following \cite{tarjan:dsna}):
190 \algn{Red-Blue Meta-Algorithm}
192 \algin A~graph $G$ with an edge comparison oracle (see \thmref{edgeoracle})
193 \:In the beginning, all edges are uncolored.
194 \:While possible, use one of the following rules:
195 \::Pick a cut~$C$ such that its lightest edge is not blue and color it blue. \cmt{Blue rule}
196 \::Pick a cycle~$C$ such that its heaviest edge is not red and color it red. \cmt{Red rule}
197 \algout Minimum spanning tree of~$G$ consisting of edges colored blue.
201 This is not a proper algorithm, since the selection of rules to apply is not specified.
202 We will however prove that for any such selection the procedure stops with the correct result.
203 Also, it will turn out that each of the classical MST algorithms can be stated as a
204 specific rule selection strategy of this procedure, which justifies the name
205 meta-algorithm for it.
208 When an edge is colored blue in any step of the procedure, it is contained in the minimum spanning tree.
214 When an edge is colored red in any step of the procedure, it is not contained in the minimum spanning tree.
219 \lemman{Colorless lemma}
220 When there exists an uncolored edge, then at least one rule can be applied.
225 \theoremn{Red-Blue correctness}
226 For any selection of rules, the Red-Blue procedure stops and the blue edges form
227 the minimum spanning tree of the input graph.
234 % mention Steiner trees