]> mj.ucw.cz Git - moe.git/blob - mop/template/Desktop/MO-P submit.desktop
Box: Let the 32-bit version refuse to run on 64-bit kernels
[moe.git] / mop / template / Desktop / MO-P submit.desktop
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Comment=
3 Comment[en_US]=
4 Encoding=UTF-8
5 Exec[$e]='/mo/public/bin/contest'
6 GenericName=
7 GenericName[en_US]=
8 Icon=server
9 MimeType=
10 Name=MO-P submit
11 Name[en_US]=MO-P submit
12 Path[$e]=
13 StartupNotify=true
14 Terminal=false
15 TerminalOptions=
16 Type=Application
17 X-DCOP-ServiceType=
18 X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false
19 X-KDE-Username=