]> mj.ucw.cz Git - moe.git/blob - mop/template/.lazarus/lazarus.dci
MOP: New template for home directories (KDE config etc.)
[moe.git] / mop / template / .lazarus / lazarus.dci
1 [arrayd | array declaration (var)]
2 $(AttributesStart)
3 EnableMakros=true
4 RemoveChar=true
5 $(AttributesEnd)
6 $Param(VariableName): array[0..$Param(HighNumber)] of $Param(String);
7 |
8 [arrayc | array declaration (const)]
9 $(AttributesStart)
10 EnableMakros=true
11 $(AttributesEnd)
12 array[$param(0)..$param(1)] of $param(Type) = (|);
13 [cases | case statement]
14 $(AttributesStart)
15 EnableMakros=true
16 $(AttributesEnd)
17 case $param(var) of
18   : |;
19   : ;
20 end;
21 [be | begin end else begin end]
22 begin
23   |
24 end else
25 begin
27 end;
28 [casee | case statement (with else)]
29 $(AttributesStart)
30 EnableMakros=true
31 $(AttributesEnd)
32 case $param(var) of
33   : |;
34   : ;
35 else ;
36 end;
37 [classf | class declaration (all parts)]
38 $(AttributesStart)
39 EnableMakros=true
40 RemoveChar=true
41 $(AttributesEnd)
42 $Param(ClassName) = class($Param(InheritedClass))
43 private
45 public
46   |
47   constructor Create;
48   destructor Destroy; override;
49 end;
50 [classd | class declaration (no parts)]
51 $(AttributesStart)
52 EnableMakros=true
53 RemoveChar=true
54 $(AttributesEnd)
55 $Param(ClassName) = class($Param(InheritedClass))
56 |
57 end;
58 [classc | class declaration (with Create/Destroy overrides)]
59 $(AttributesStart)
60 EnableMakros=true
61 RemoveChar=true
62 $(AttributesEnd)
63 $Param(ClassName) = class($Param(InheritedClass))
64 private
66 protected
68 public
69   |
70   constructor Create; override;
71   destructor Destroy; override;
72 published
73 end;
74 [d | debugln]
75 $(AttributesStart)
76 EnableMakros=true
77 $(AttributesEnd)
78 debugln(['$ProcedureName() '|]);
79 [fors | for (no begin/end)]
80 $(AttributesStart)
81 EnableMakros=true
82 RemoveChar=true
83 $(AttributesEnd)
84 for $Param(CounterVar) := $Param(0) to $Param(Count) - 1 do
85   |
86 [forb | for statement]
87 $(AttributesStart)
88 EnableMakros=true
89 RemoveChar=true
90 $(AttributesEnd)
91 for $Param(CounterVar) := $Param(0) to $Param(Count) - 1 do
92 begin
93   |
94 end;
95 [function | function declaration]
96 $(AttributesStart)
97 EnableMakros=true
98 $(AttributesEnd)
99 function $param(Name)($param( )): $param(Type);
100 begin
101   |
102 end;
103 [hexc | HexStr(Cardinal(),8)]
104 HexStr(PtrUInt(|),8)
105 [ifs | if (no begin/end)]
106 if $Param(Conditional) then
107   |
108 [ifb | if statement]
109 $(AttributesStart)
110 EnableMakros=true
111 RemoveChar=true
112 $(AttributesEnd)
113 if $Param(Conditional) then
114 begin
115   |
116 end;
117 [ife | if then (no begin/end) else (no begin/end)]
118 $(AttributesStart)
119 EnableMakros=true
120 RemoveChar=true
121 $(AttributesEnd)
122 if $Param(Conditional) then
123   |
124 else
125 [ifeb | if then else]
126 $(AttributesStart)
127 EnableMakros=true
128 RemoveChar=true
129 $(AttributesEnd)
130 if $Param(Conditional) then
131 begin
132   |
133 end
134 else begin
136 end;
137 [procedure | procedure declaration]
138 procedure $Param(ProcName)|($Param());
139 begin
140   |
141 end;
142 [ofall | case of all enums]
143 $(AttributesStart)
144 EnableMakros=true
145 $(AttributesEnd)
146 of
147 |$OfAll()end;
148 [trye | try except]
149 try
150   | 
151 except
153 end;
154 [tryf | try finally]
155 $(AttributesStart)
156 EnableMakros=true
157 RemoveChar=true
158 $(AttributesEnd)
159 try
160   |
161 finally
162   $Param(FreeStatement,default)
163 end;
164 [trycf | try finally (with Create/Free)]
165 $(AttributesStart)
166 EnableMakros=true
167 RemoveChar=true
168 $(AttributesEnd)
169 $Param(VarName) := $Param(TMyClassName).Create;
170 try
171   |
172 finally
173   $Param(VarName,Sync=1).Free;
174 end;
175 [whileb | while statement]
176 $(AttributesStart)
177 EnableMakros=true
178 RemoveChar=true
179 $(AttributesEnd)
180 while $Param(LoopCondition) do
181 begin
182   |
183 end;
184 [whiles | while (no begin)]
185 while $Param(LoopCondition) do
186   |
187 [withb | with statement]
188 $(AttributesStart)
189 EnableMakros=true
190 RemoveChar=true
191 $(AttributesEnd)
192 with $Param(Object) do
193 begin
194   |
195 end;
196 [b | begin end]
197 begin
198   |
199 end;
200 [withs | with (no begin)]
201 $(AttributesStart)
202 EnableMakros=true
203 RemoveChar=true
204 $(AttributesEnd)
205 with $Param(Object) do
206   |
207 [withc | with for components]
208 $(AttributesStart)
209 EnableMakros=true
210 RemoveChar=true
211 $(AttributesEnd)
212 with $Param(Object) do
213 begin
214   Name:='$Param(NameText)';
215   Parent:=Self;
216   Left:=$Param(0);
217   Top:=$Param(0);
218   Width:=$Param(0);
219   Height:=$Param(0);
220   Caption:='$Param(CaptionText)';
221 end;
222 |
223 [fpc | Conditional FPC Mode]
224 $(AttributesStart)
225 RemoveChar=true
226 $(AttributesEnd)
227 {$IFDEF FPC}
228   {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
229 {$ENDIF}
230 |
231 [todo | ToDo item creator]
232 $(AttributesStart)
233 EnableMakros=true
234 RemoveChar=true
235 $(AttributesEnd)
236 { TODO -o$Param(Author) : $Param(Note) } |
237 [w | writeln]
238 $(AttributesStart)
239 EnableMakros=true
240 $(AttributesEnd)
241 writeln('$ProcedureName() '|);