]> mj.ucw.cz Git - gallery.git/blob - gal/nrt-blue/theme.conf
Gallery2: Removed auto-generated comment at the top of gallery.list
[gallery.git] / gal / nrt-blue / theme.conf
2 PicturesPerRow: 5
3 BGColor: #ffffff
4 TextColor: #000000
5 CommentColor: #000000
6 FilmBGColor: #322207
7 LinkColor: #000000
8 ALinkColor: gold
9 VLinkColor: #000000
10 LinkSize: 1
12 #                   linksize               | top
13 #                       |                  v
14 #     ------------------|---------------- ---
15 #     |                 |               |  |
16 #     ------------------v---------------- ---
17 #     |   | ______________________  |   |  ^
18 #     |   | |   ^                 | |   |  |
19 #     |   | |   | height          | |   |
20 #     |   | |   |                 | |   |
21 #  l  |   | |   |                 | |   | right
22 # --->|---| |<--|----width------->| |---|<-----
23 #     |   | |   |                 | |   |
24 #     |   | |   |                 | |   |
25 #     |   | |   |                 | |   |
26 #     |   | |   v                 | |   |
27 #     |   | |---------------------| |   |  |
28 #     |   |                         |   |  v
29 #     ----------------------------------- ---
30 #     |                                 |  |
31 #     ----------------------------------- ---
32 #                                          ^
33 #                                          | bottom
34 #
35 # total = left + linksize + width + linksize + right
37 # Decorations: top bottom left right
38 Decorations: 14 18 14 18
39 ThumbWidth: 120
40 ThumbHeight: 100