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4                 <title>LibUCW</title>
5                 <meta name="keywords" content="ucw library c">
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12                                 <p>
13                                 <a href="#what">What's that?</a>
14                                 <a href="#features">Features</a>
15                                 <a href="#license">License</a>
16                                 <a href="#authors">Authors</a>
17                                 <a href="#download">Download</a>
18                                 <a href="#docs">Documentation</a>
19                                 <a href="#bugs">Reporting bugs</a>
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34                         <h1>LibUCW</h1>
35                         <div class="section" id="what"><h2>What's that?</h2>
36                                 <p>
37                                         <tt>LibUCW</tt> is a general-purpose C library providing both implementation of common algorithms (like sorting, heaps),
38                                         support for performance computing (fast buffered IO) and some generic data structures.
39                                         In short, it is a library of things the authors consider useful in most of programs written in C.
40                                 <p>
41                                         As a bonus, there is a build system you can use in your program, documentation system and few perl modules.
42                                 <p>
43                                         It is developed as part of the <a href="/holmes/">Sherlock Holmes</a> search engine.
44                         </div>
45                         <div class="section" id="features"><h2>Features</h2>
46                                 <ul>
47                                         <li>Fast buffered IO
48                                         <li>Memory pools
49                                         <li>Internal and external sorting routines
50                                         <li>Generic data structures (heaps, search trees, growing buffers)
51                                         <li>Unicode manipulation
52                                         <li>Main loop (watching over file descriptors, sub-processes and timers)
53                                         <li>Thread support
54                                         <li>Configuration system
55                                         <li>Modular system for <tt>configure</tt> scripts
56                                         <li>Build system
57                                         <li>Documentation system
58                                 </ul>
59                         </div>
60                         <div class="section" id="license"><h2>License</h2>
61                                 <p>
62                                         The library is available under the terms of <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">GNU Lesser Public License</a> (LGPL) with the exception of few modules, which are in public domain.
63                                 <p>
64                                         There is also a commercial version of the library, available with the <a href="/holmes/#license">commercial version of Sherlock Holmes</a>.
65                                         However, unlike the Sherlock Holmes, the commercial version of library does not come with additional features.
66                         </div>
67                         <div class="section" id="authors"><h2>Authors</h2>
68                                 <p>
69                                         The library is developed together with Sherlock Holmes by the same authors. Most of it was written by <a href='http://mj.ucw.cz'>Martin Mare¹</a>, <a href="http://www.ucw.cz/~robert/index-en.html">Robert ©palek</a>, Pavel Charvát and <a href="http://vorner.pretel.cz/en/">Michal Vaner</a>.
70                         </div>
71                         <div class="section" id="download"><h2>Download</h2>
72                                 <p>
73                                         Currently, only a beta-version (3.99) is available.
74                                         Expect a stable version once the beta version is tested and considered stable.
75                                 <p>
76                                         You can download it via <a href="download/">HTTP</a> or via <a href="ftp://ftp.ucw.cz/pub/libucw/">FTP</a>.
77                         </div>
78                         <div class="section" id="docs"><h2>Documentation</h2>
79                                 <p>
80                                         Although the documentation is not yet complete, you can <a href="documentation">browse</a> the part which is already written. You can compile the same documentation from the package.
81                         </div>
82                         <div class="section" id="bugs"><h2>Reporting bugs</h2>
83                                 <p>
84                                         All reports about bugs, inconveniences or ideas for new features are welcome at <a href="mailto:holmes-bugs@ucw.cz">holmes-bugs@ucw.cz</a>. Patches implementing them are welcome even more ;-).
85                                 <p>
86                                         If you use the library to your pleasure, the authors will be glad to hear that at the same address.
87                         </div>
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