1 %%% Ukázka použití některých konstrukcí LaTeXu
3 \subsection{Ukázka \LaTeX{}u}
6 This short subsection serves as an~example of basic \LaTeX{} constructs,
7 which can be useful for writing a~thesis.
9 Let us start with lists:
12 \item The logo of Matfyz is displayed in figure~\ref{fig:mff}.
13 \item This is subsection~\ref{ssec:ukazka}.
14 \item Citing literature~\cite{lamport94}.
17 Different kinds of dashes:
19 pages 16--22 (middle),
21 and this is --- as you could have expected --- a~sentence-level dash,
23 (Note that we have follwed \verb|a| by a~tilde instead of a~space
24 to avoid line breaks at that place.)
26 \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}
27 \newtheorem*{define}{Definition} % Definice nečíslujeme, proto "*"
30 A~{\sl Tree} is a connected graph with no cycles.
34 This theorem is false.
38 False theorems do not have proofs.
43 \includegraphics[width=30mm]{../img/logo.eps}
44 \caption{Logo of MFF UK}