]> mj.ucw.cz Git - libucw.git/blob - build/extract-doc.pl
Add a description of extract-doc.pl script
[libucw.git] / build / extract-doc.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # Script for extracting documentation out of header files
3 # (c) 2008 Michal Vaner <vorner@ucw.cz>
5 use strict;
6 use warnings;
8 my( $inname, $outname, $depname, $basedir ) = @ARGV;
9 if( defined $inname ) {
10         open IN, $inname or die "Could not read $inname ($!)\n";
11 } else {
12         open IN, "<&STDIN" or die "Could not read stdin ($!)\n";
13 }
14 if( defined $outname ) {
15         open OUT, ">$outname" or die "Could not write $outname ($!)\n";
16 } else {
17         open OUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "Could not write to stdout ($!)\n";
18 }
19 my $hasdep;
20 if( defined $depname ) {
21         open DEP, ">>$depname" or die "Could not write $depname ($!)\n";
22         $hasdep = 1;
23 }
25 print DEP "$outname:" if( $hasdep );
27 sub formatNote( $$ ) {
28         my( $head, $comment ) = @_;
29         $head =~ s/(\S)[ ]+/$1 /g;
30         print OUT "\n";
31         print OUT "''''\n";
32         chomp $head;
33         if($head =~ /\w+\([^()]*\)/ && $head !~ /\n/) {
34                 print OUT "!!f!$head!!!\n\n";
35         } else {
36                 print OUT "..................\n";
37                 print OUT "$head\n";
38                 print OUT "..................\n\n";
39         }
40         print OUT "$comment\n\n";
41 }
43 sub process( $ ) {
44         my $file = shift;
45         open FILE, $file or die "Could nod read $file ($!)\n";
46         my $line;
47         my $active;
48         my $verbatim;
49         my $buff;
50         my $head;
51         my $struct;
52         while( defined( $line = <FILE> ) ) {
53                 chomp $line;
54                 if( $struct ) {
55                         $head .= "\n".$line;
56                         if( $line =~ /}/ ) {
57                                 formatNote( $head, $buff );
58                                 $struct = 0;
59                                 $buff = undef;
60                                 $head = undef;
61                         }
62                 } elsif( $verbatim ) {
63                         if( $line =~ /\*\// ) {
64                                 $verbatim = 0;
65                                 print OUT "\n";
66                         } else {
67                                 $line =~ s/^\s*\* ?//;
68                                 print OUT "$line\n";
69                         }
70                 } elsif( $active ) {
71                         if( $line =~ /\*\// ) {
72                                 $active = 0;
73                         } else {
74                                 $line =~ s/^\s*\* ?//;
75                                 $buff .= "$line\n";
76                         }
77                 } else {
78                         if( ( $line =~ /\S/ ) && ( defined $buff ) ) {
79                                 if( $line =~ /\(/ || $line !~ /{/ ) {
80                                         $_ = $line;
81                                         s/^\s*\s?//;
82                                         s/\/\/.*//;
83                                         s/\/\*.*?\*\///gs;
84                                         s/[;{].*//;
85                                         formatNote( $_, $buff );
86                                         $head = undef;
87                                         $buff = undef;
88                                 } else {
89                                         $head = $line;
90                                         $struct = 1;
91                                 }
92                         } elsif( ( $buff ) = ( $line =~ /\/\*\*\*(.*)\*\*\*\// ) ) {
93                                 $buff =~ s/\s?//;
94                                 print OUT "$buff\n\n";
95                                 $buff = undef;
96                         } elsif( ( $head, $buff ) = ( $line =~ /^(.*)\/\*\*(.*)\*\*\// ) ) {
97                                 $buff =~ s/^\s*//;
98                                 $buff =~ s/\s*$//;
99                                 if( $head =~ /\(/ || $head !~ /{/ ) {
100                                         $head =~ s/^\s*//;
101                                         $head =~ s/\/\*.*?\*\///gs;
102                                         $head =~ s/[;{].*//;
103                                         formatNote( $head, $buff );
104                                         $head = undef;
105                                         $buff = undef;
106                                 } else {
107                                         $struct = 1;
108                                 }
109                         } elsif( $line =~ /\/\*\*\*/ ) {
110                                 $verbatim = 1;
111                         } elsif( $line =~ /\/\*\*/ ) {
112                                 $active = 1;
113                         }
114                 }
115         }
116         close FILE;
117 }
119 my $line;
120 while( defined( $line = <IN> ) ) {
121         chomp $line;
122         if( my( $fname ) = ( $line =~ /^!!\s*(.*\S)/ ) ) {
123                 $fname = "$basedir/$fname" if( ( $fname !~ /^\// ) && defined $basedir );
124                 process( $fname );
125                 print DEP " $fname" if( $hasdep );
126         } else {
127                 print OUT "$line\n";
128         }
129 }
131 print DEP "\n" if( $hasdep );
133 close IN;
134 close OUT;
135 close DEP;