5 69 05 seen so far: 6905 (low pressure?), 8509 (no gas?), 6208 (ignition timeout?), 7606 (very low pressure), 0000 (OK)
9 Warning code (different encoding)
11 05 09 seen so far: 0509 (low pressure?), 0000 (OK)
13 06 -> 7f: INFO 0500:006c
25 00 -> 7f INFO 0500:0213:
27 14 00/04/14, 02 (low pressure warning?), 0b (low pressure error), 09/0b (during no gas errors), 08/43/40 (during boot)
30 00 -> 7f: INFO 0500:0219
32 00 93 outside temp * 64
39 03 -> 00: INFO 0500:0229
43 08 f4 floor heating temperature * 64
50 00 -> 03: INFO 0504:0227
54 0a f2 mixture modulation
56 03 03/04, looks like 03=pump on
58 07 -> 00 QUERY 053d0099
59 00 -> 07 ANSWER 053d0099
61 Periodically requested by 07 during errors
65 or: 00 02 36 (low pressure error)
67 06 -> 00 QUERY 053d009a
68 00 -> 06 ANSWER 053d009a
70 Periodically requested by 06 and 07 during errors
72 00 85 09 00 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
74 or: 00 76 06 00 40 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 (low pressure error)
76 07 -> 00 QUERY 053d009c
77 00 -> 07 ANSWER 053d009c:
79 Periodically requested by 07 during warnings
81 05 09 the same warning code as in 0500009b
82 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
84 00 -> 7f INFO 2d000211
89 02 01=attenuated, 02=comfort
96 00 -> 7f INFO 2e000211
100 00 -> 7f INFO 2f000211
104 00 -> 7f: INFO 3100:0212
109 01 00/01 (looks like 01=pump on)
110 4d 45 if prev byte is 00, 4d if prev byte is 01
112 06 -> 00: INFO 3d2d:0215
116 05 e9 temperature * 64
119 07 -> 00: INFO 3e2e:0215
123 06 3d temperature * 64