1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.40 2002/03/26 21:49:40 mj Exp $
2 # Makefile for Linux PCI Utilities
3 # (c) 1998--2002 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
5 OPT=-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
7 CFLAGS=$(OPT) -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes
16 ifeq ($(shell uname),FreeBSD)
20 ifeq ($(shell uname),AIX)
31 MANDIR=$(shell if [ -d $(PREFIX)/share/man ] ; then echo $(PREFIX)/share/man ; else echo $(PREFIX)/man ; fi)
32 DISTTMP=/tmp/pciutils-dist
36 all: lib lspci setpci lspci.8 setpci.8
42 cd lib && ./configure $(PREFIX) $(VERSION)
44 lspci: lspci.o common.o lib/libpci.a
45 setpci: setpci.o common.o lib/libpci.a
47 lspci.o: lspci.c pciutils.h lib/libpci.a
48 setpci.o: setpci.c pciutils.h lib/libpci.a
49 common.o: common.c pciutils.h lib/libpci.a
52 M=`echo $(DATE) | sed 's/-01-/-January-/;s/-02-/-February-/;s/-03-/-March-/;s/-04-/-April-/;s/-05-/-May-/;s/-06-/-June-/;s/-07-/-July-/;s/-08-/-August-/;s/-09-/-September-/;s/-10-/-October-/;s/-11-/-November-/;s/-12-/-December-/;s/\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)/\3 \2 \1/'` ; sed <$< >$@ "s/@TODAY@/$$M/;s/@VERSION@/pciutils-$(VERSION)$(SUFFIX)/"
55 rm -f `find . -name "*~" -o -name "*.[oa]" -o -name "\#*\#" -o -name TAGS -o -name core`
56 rm -f lspci setpci lib/config.* *.8
60 # -c is ignored on Linux, but required on FreeBSD
61 $(DIRINSTALL) -m 755 $(ROOT)/sbin $(PREFIX)/share $(MANDIR)/man8
62 $(INSTALL) -c -m 755 -s lspci setpci $(ROOT)/sbin
63 if [ ! -f $(PREFIX)/share/pci.ids -o pci.ids -nt $(PREFIX)/share/pci.ids ] ; then \
64 $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 pci.ids $(PREFIX)/share ; \
65 elif [ -f $(PREFIX)/share/pci.ids ] ; then \
66 echo "$(PREFIX)/share/pci.ids is same or newer than the version to be installed, skipping." ; \
68 $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 lspci.8 setpci.8 $(MANDIR)/man8
69 # Remove relics from old versions
70 rm -f $(ROOT)/etc/pci.ids
73 rm -f $(ROOT)/sbin/lspci $(ROOT)/sbin/setpci
74 rm -f $(PREFIX)/share/pci.ids
75 rm -f $(PREFIX)/man/man8/lspci.8 $(PREFIX)/man/man8/setpci.8
78 sed "s/^\\(Version:[ ]*\\)[0-9.]*/\\1$(VERSION)/;s/^\\(Entered-date:[ ]*\\)[0-9]*/\\1`date -d$(DATE) '+%y%m%d'`/;s/\\(pciutils-\\)[0-9.]*/\\1$(VERSION)\\./" <pciutils.lsm >pciutils.lsm.new
79 sed "s/^\\(Version:[ ]*\\)[0-9.]*/\\1$(VERSION)/" <pciutils.spec >pciutils.spec.new
80 sed "s/\\(, version \\).*\./\\1$(VERSION)$(SUFFIX)./" <README >README.new
81 mv pciutils.lsm.new pciutils.lsm
82 mv pciutils.spec.new pciutils.spec
85 REL=pciutils-$(VERSION)$(SUFFIX)
90 cp -a . $(DISTTMP)/$(REL)
91 rm -rf `find $(DISTTMP)/$(REL) -name CVS -o -name tmp`
92 [ -f $(DISTTMP)/$(REL)/lib/header.h ] || cp /usr/src/linux/include/linux/pci.h dist/$(REL)/lib/header.h
93 cd $(DISTTMP) ; tar czvvf /tmp/$(REL).tar.gz $(REL)
99 .PHONY: all lib clean install dist man release